Has anyone ever heard or used a product called a succor punch? If so, Im trying to get some feedback on it thanx....

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Nice post I'm going to check the principles on this, also check my Rodin Coil Post later. Here is more info for the people to know what We are talking about. I was thinking the other succor punch, lol.

Brief Description

A Succor Punch ("SP") is the name coined for a quartz crystal that has a mobius coil (also called a caduceus coil) wrapped around it in a special knotting configuration The special knot creates a 'node' which enhances the desired action. When you pulse a square wave signal from a squarewave signal generator (I call my 15 Hz squarewave generator the SP Pulser -described below) into the mobius coil, it sets up a chaos field which interacts with the crystal to create scalar waves which can then be programmed with your thoughts. Forces are set in motion both on the third and fourth dimensional levels.

To utilize the SP, you turn it on and hold it over your heart chakra and tell it what you want it to do. If you are a victim of ELF or microwave Psychotronic torture, you instruct the SP to create a perfect shield against any form of harmful energy that is beamed at you from any dimension, which is intended to cause you harm from any sentient being or thought form directing that harmful energy towards you. You also program the SP crystal to transmute any negative directed energy that may penetrate your protective shield, into a life-enhancing energy that invigorates and energizes you, rather than harm you. You can also program the SP to beam the energy back to the responsible offending party or parties who are responsible for sending this negative energy to you, the same negative energy, but in an intensified form that the offending parties are defenseless to shield against. Some like to refer to this game as "Etheric Warfare", but I prefer the less military term of "Etheric Resistance."

Sometimes, for good measure, I'll ask that the offending energy being returned to the sender is increased by 1,000% or more for as long as the clowns are beaming the energy to me. You can also ask that any black magician, harmful psychic, remote viewer (human or otherwise), or alien entity who is attempting to harm you, be blocked from influencing or causing you psychic (or demonic) attacks. You command that any alien entity attempting to attach any sort of etheric (4th dimension) life-draining "cord" or "thought implant" using any form of technology or thought forms that are harmful to you be blocked completely and cause you no harm or negative influcence on any dimension of your being or plane of existence.

In other words, you use it as if it's Aladdin's Lamp and you have the world's most powerful Genie at your beck and call (he's also known as your Higher Self).

(Also, do not overlook the power of asking higher spiritual forces to help you overcome any form of psychic attack or harassment. Michael Relfe has succeeded mightily in this regard by using the power of thought and focused intent to help overcome anything the bad guys throw at him or his wife, Stephanie.)

Dowsing tells me that I can program the medium size crystal for about 35 tasks. Some crystals can handle more programs, despite their size. Each crystal is an individual with unique attributes. Larger crystals can usually handle more programming and do things more powerfully than smaller crystals, but they all work on the same principle. The crystal can work without the pulsing circuit, but the power factor is much, much lower. It has been reported that negative aliens of the reptilian variety ( Draconian) cannot stand to be in the environment of the SP pulsing circuit and want to exit quickly.

I was having a great deal of trouble in Winter 2001 with low energy and super sensitivity to EMF from computer screens, fluorescent lights, etc. I could hardly talk on the phone for 10 minutes without getting drained by the phone (yes, phones put out EMF). I talked to a few psychics and they indicated that I likely had reptilian aliens and psychic gremlins sucking energy out of me via "chakra cords" (can't imagine why). It seems I was also on the receiving end of microwave or psychotronic attack at the time. Using an AM radio on a white noise, non-use frequency, I was able to locate certain 'dead spots' in the house where I could sleep better. I also wore an aluminum hat for a while before I had the SP, but it was a pain in the butt to wear all the time. Anyway, I obtained an SP and kept it going 24/7> I carried it with me whenever I went. Gradually, I started to notice that I was getting stronger. It was very slow and very gradual, but I was definitely moving in the right direction. For the first few months, I really didn't program the SP very specifically, but after I programmed it specifically to do X, Y, and Z, I noticed the effects (and me) were getting stronger faster. I now have far greater tolerance to EMF exposure and can accomplish much more.

Another interesting side benefit of the SP crystal is its apparent ability to block the transmission of high tech surveillance equipment. Free energy researcher and inventor Bill Mueller from British Colombia had discovered this serendipitous side-effect by accident and passed the tip along to Don Croft .

I use three different sizes of SP crystals. I keep a larger #14 SP crystal running off the SP Pulser and plugged into the wall outlet of those rooms in the house where I normally work and sleep. I carry a smaller #2 SP crystal with the SP Pulser inside a camera case whenever I go out and I have a third, medium size #9 SP crystal for the car with an SP Pulser plugged into the cigarette lighter. I use a car cable for the car which plugs into the cigarette lighter. The end of the car cable which plugs into the SP Pulser uses a 2.1mm barrel plug. I've changed the internal wiring of the car cable so that the center pin of the 2.1mm plug is negative. If you plan on buying your own power supply cable for the car, you must chenge the internal wiring from positive to negative for the center pin of the plug, otherwise you'll destroy the circuit board of the SP Pulser instantly.

I've received mixed feedback from people who have been victimized by government mind control programming and have implants, but generally people seem to notice some level of improvement from microwave harassment. I get the impression that people who are more severely harassed need larger SP crystals with more orgonite to offset the amount of energy being beamed to them. The larger Powerwand or Mega Powerwand may prove more beneficial for MC victims if properly applied, but any size of SP crystal will tend to have some effect. I'm looking at other ideas to help people who are being harassed or tortured with microwaves.

Many people have been impressed with the apparent shielding effects of a uniquely designed orgone generator that's worn around the neck as a pendant. The original Harmonic Protector, designed by Carol Croft. Carol, was intended to shield the wearer from ambient EMF radiations and negative psychic influences. A new series of Orgone Protector Pendants was recently developed for educate-yourself.org by Christie Gunn which employs a wider variety of gem stones, micro coils around quartz needles, and specially chosen associated materials that address seven different areas of psychic, physical, emotional, and healing parameters. It's a good idea to wear a pendant 24/7 in addition to using a Succor Punch or placing orgone generators in your home and work environment. The Orgone Protector Pendants are being introduced for a limited time with a $20 introductory discount (more info at this link: http://educate-yourself.org/products/orgoneprotectyorpendants09dec08.shtml )
Thanx for those that replied. Im thinking about getting one I was trying to see if anyone has actually used one.



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