Subliminal messages are in images every day. Subliminal images are on video boxes, in magazine ads, and even in phone books. Subliminal tapes are sold by the millions to people that want to motivate themselves with custom subliminal messages. There are subliminal messages in songs. There are even computer programs so you can make your own custom subliminal message to yourself as you watch your computer each day.

See anything unusual about the image above?

No, it's just a regular phone-book page . . . right?

Wrong, the high-lighted area of the image is what caused it to be pulled out of the phonebook pages. They really thought they were going to get away with it. 

Some people see a finger on a woman's private area.

But heres what it's conveying . . . 

Beer ad that used wood chips to tout the idea that the beer had a "smoked" flavor. I think they were doing something else with those wood chips.

Check out the palm trees on the far right of the image... notice anything odd about the palm leaves?

So It's all about sex, isn't it? Check this out . . .

Hmmm, flight attendants like large towers?

"Why men are so attracted to Dodge Trucks" Of course this also symbolizes the demigod baphomet.

How blatant 

You decide . . . 

Bada ba ba ba, She's loving it . . . Lol just kidding. I wonder why they didn't crop that part out, maybe because they wanted you to see it. Your subconscious that is.

Look at the "S" skittle next to the word "eXplosion". What does the word turn into now? 

I'm about tired of seeing images containing phallic's and vagina's, our children gets bombarded with images like these very often. Their pure minds pick it up very quickly, without anyone revealing it to them.

Sometimes the subliminal message is not about sex, sometimes it is just about getting their logo imbedded in the mind of the viewer as often as possible. Like so . . . 

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This is a sick world indeed . . .

Not that there's anything wrong with sex, but look at who they're directing their messages at . . . the children of course.

Great find, learned a lot from this video! This guy's technique will undoubtedly catch someone's interest, which in turn will be easier to direct an individual on the right path. This guy had me on the "hundredth monkey effect" phenomena which I find to be very interesting.

He's absolutely correct about it being one thing to make videos on the internet, but in person an individual cannot deny what's being revealed to them, especially if you make them innerstand what exactly they are looking at.
All I gotta say is wow, beautiful research Soulosophy.

And thanks for the book too . . .

Obelisks are phallic symbols related to the Egyptian Sun god, Osiris.

wholeness margens ((o(*.*)0))
From Wikinfo
Steganography is the act of hiding a message. Usually, an important, secret message is hidden inside another innocent, inconspicuous one. The term originates from Greek for covered (or hidden) writing. In constrast to cryptography, which prevents external parties from discovering the contents of a message, steganography purports to disguise the very prescence of the message itself.
Steganography is very useful when the very existence of a message may raise suspicion or even incrimination. For example, strong cryptography is illegal in many countries. To prevent punishment for possessing strong encryption and decryption facilities, the associated software and data may be hidden in another medium.
Images, audio and videos are popular covers for hidden text as the binary data can be easily altered to contain hidden information without the end-user noticing. For example, one can encode data in the lower bits of RGB colour values in images.
This article is about hidden messages. For shorthand, see Stenography.
Template:Hidden messages Steganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one apart from the intended recipient knows of the existence of the message; this is in contrast to cryptography, where the existence of the message itself is not disguised, but the content is obscured. Quite often, steganography is hidden in pictures.
The word "Steganography" is of Greek origin and means "covered, or hidden writing". Its ancient origins can be traced back to 440 BC. Herodotus mentions two examples of Steganography in The Histories of Herodotus [1]. Demeratus sent a warning about a forthcoming attack to Greece by writing it on a wooden panel and covering it in wax. Wax tablets were in common use then as re-usable writing surface, sometimes used for shorthand. Another ancient example is that of Histiaeus, who shaved the head of his most trusted slave and tattooed a message on it. After his hair had grown the message was hidden. The purpose was to instigate a revolt against the Persians. Later, Johannes Trithemius's book Steganographia is a treatise on cryptography and steganography disguised as a book on black magic.
Generally, a steganographic message will appear to be something else: a picture, an article, a shopping list, or some other message. This apparent message is the covertext. For instance, a message may be hidden by using invisible ink between the visible lines of innocuous documents.
The advantage of steganography over cryptography alone is that messages do not attract attention to themselves, to messengers, or to recipients. An unhidden coded message, no matter how unbreakable it is, will arouse suspicion and may in itself be incriminating, as in countries where encryption is illegal [2].
Steganography used in electronic communication include steganographic coding inside of a transport layer, such as an MP3 file, or a protocol, such as UDP.
A steganographic message (the plaintext) is often first encrypted by some traditional means, and then a covertext is modified in some way to contain the encrypted message (ciphertext), resulting in stegotext. For example, the letter size, spacing, typeface, or other characteristics of a covertext can be manipulated to carry the hidden message; only the recipient (who must know the technique used) can recover the message and then decrypt it. Francis Bacon is known to have suggested such a technique to hide messages (see Bacon's cipher).
Interesting . . .
wholeness soulosophy, o(*!*)0



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