Greetings, family. I've been looking for additional information on the finding, cultivation, and maintenance of sprouts in the diet. I know of enzymes, saw the astral quest video n' all. Do any of you know where the further info on the sprouts was/is posted? I'd like to know what sprouts, what to do, and how to get them, please. Thanks for any help intended. Have a great one!

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This is the site i purchase from, can find all the info your looking for there as well. I just made two quarts worth of sprouts, had them for awhile im a lil inconsistent in eating them, tho im looking to incorporate them daily 

I'm on it. Thank you very much for replying so urgently.

no problem anytime! Im gonna dehydrate the batch i made & use it as protein powder

Great synchronicity here, I just came to the section in Season 3 Ep. 3 where Sevan briefly speaks of Sprouts and the "Matrix Shake".

I was curious to know which type of sprouts is optimum for Ascension Fuel, and I'm curious as to what the "Matrix Shake" actually is?


I wouldnt think it would be a specific sprout but just sprouts & micro greens in general. I know different sprouts have their own nutrient profiles n such but i think i heard Sevan mention alfalfa sprouts. I just got a variety to keep the nutrients varying & not just having the same ones

As far as the matrix shake i cant say for sure. I have my own custom blend of smoothie that i like to make which has a full spectrum of amino acids & proteins along w/ different supplements from nootropics to libido. 

When the body is some what cleansed (i have more to do) you will know what works & what doesnt very quickly

Look Up Dr. Cassar on you tube, he shows how to easily make sprouts as well as recipes too. Look at his latest recipe for probiotic coconut cheese... this can be modified and can be made with sprouts as well. Growing our own bacteria and adding it to recipes is the next step towards predigesting our meals and have the nutrients be bioavailable for us ... cheers!

Bet it up i'll have to check that out, thanks. I like to ferment all kinds of things when the weather is warmer. I been drinking homemade water kefir for a few months now, i make it real acidic & tart to help the stomach w/ its gastric juices out. Going to do a batch of shio koji (fermented salt) soon. Im all for easier digestion its like having a computer w/ a faster processor & along w/ astraxyme, im loving it!!



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