Hello I have two young children and as they grow I would rather them not immerse their minds in what gets punted out to western children, if anyone could suggest any books that may be work as captivating spiritual introductions that would be wonderful.  Thank you and Wholeness.

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I found this book to be wonderful  ~ The Little Soul and the Sun

Books that Support Social-Emotional Development

• Be Quiet, Marina by Kirsten DeBear

• The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn

• Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst

• When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry by Molly Bang

• Koala Lou by Mem Fox


i hope these books are good to read. they are mostly for younger children. but if you need to find books for older kids i'll give another search. good luck and take care.

Stories written to help children to "discover themselves & follow a path of right & beauty"

Tales of All Times, the mother


(For older children)

How exciting - Thank you all for your kind suggestions I will be looking into them all.  WBV.

Now that's a question I've  been working on also, but I will tell you some of us have written some really good children's stories and have either not had the means or chose not to publish them in the main stream. If you'd like, I'm sure Janet and myself would not mind letting you borrow  a story or two so you have something to read to your child. If things is acceptable please friend me and I will ask our sister Janet who has some wonderful stories she used to read to her boys and I have a few also. I certainly hope to see more people like you as we are hoping to create a place for children who have parents like us pacifically for the issue you address with finding non harmful reading materials.

Gosh, you have no idea of the significance of this!
I have been looking for affirmation that I am to proceed with my stories. 
I have now had three separate and totally uninfluenced by me direct pointers to say I am to do the children s stories. 
I have been sort of quaranteened for a while now, having come out in a rash of unknown origins.
So deeply questioning a lot of things and the childrens stories, which would be loved by anyone regardless of age are so full of wonder, magic, imagination, creativity.  

Recently, my kitchen was full of teenagers, and some at college, I just began there, at the kitchen sink, talking of my magical Wunjoland. 

A place so wonderful, of a rule, that one must first, on every journey, go to The Wunjo Tree. 

This is a tree that goes on forever, you think you are in a mixture of an ancient forest and a jungle, but it is all one tree...so high, you cant see over it, climbing over the trunks and seeing the mini ponds where droplets of water have collected.
A tree that knows all languages.....even the languages of silence.  Of tears.   Of smiles. Of the Ladybird! Of Light!

Here, one will rest until all is whole again. All is repaired.  Balanced.  Happy. 
That is the rule, to begin the adventures in Wunjoland, one first goes to the Wunjo Tree. 

There are many characters within my stories.  Names are often ancient Runic language.  Language of the Vikings. 

I express in such a way, as to pertain to the senses.
I learned ways of communicating with autistic spectrum children, including my own.  So, if one wanted to achieve in the reality something which seems impossible, out of reach, the stories give encouragement and support to do that which was thought unachieveable.

I am dyslexic, and find writing not the easiest thing to do.  I am going to create them again for your children and others now. 
When the teenagers in my kitchen were so truly inspired, and I saw the captivation of their faces as I stood at the kitchen sink and shared of flowerbeds that changed each day and of floating because of smelling them, and spiders who are guardians, and invisible rollacoasters, crystal ships in underground fairy castle cavern, fairy bridges, rainbow waterfalls, dragon buffet, snowman cricket, so many things.....they wanted to turn it into a movie! 
I am going to try and put it to word for you so it can be read. I dont know why I have had a fear of doing it, quite unrational really, even now, thinking about doing this...my heart is pounding.  a surge of excitement, gosh, I feel quite adventurous to begin!   sorry this is a bit of a long reply, but there ya go.....a story teller!.....actually I am as quiet as a mouse mostly.....twitches the nose and imagines whiskers and little tiny eyes with a sparkle in them!. 

Good day again Sonya.

Janet is on board and very excited to share with you. I hope you saw here post. I've got a link for you here of a past post I submitted.


Funny how everything is good in its own time. One of my stories is inside the text of this post called "A NEW SONG" . The post will tell you all about the book and the project that myself and other Resistance members have been working on. Please tell me how your little ones like the book we are making. I'd be very pleased to know their response and yours so that  I know what needs tweaking for the future. Thank you so much injoy

Wholeness, always  :)



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