Circle, spiral, flow, slender body tense in a coil
Every footstep a threat, every vibration a tremor
skin reading vibrations, tongue testing the air
Instinct makes the heart race, tightening the coils

Who are you vibration that haunt me
Is there a purpose to the tremors
that you send racing up my spine?
The feelings it still in my throat

The nervous energy it ignite,
Making me hiss, in warning
mind your step vibration, beware
Mind the way you flow...

Closer it come, louder it become
tongue flickering faster, lips tightening
scales vibrating louder to amplify
a deadly hissed warning

Slender head raised, cupping in warning
Mind your step vibration, mind your flow
Come no closer, as your vibration is known
its taste tightens the gland of my defences

It taste of betrayal, of lies and deceit
It still memories of a vibration of harm
a hand holding an apple a soft touch
that once held respect and love

The apple brought truth to the eyes
and knowledge to the soul, a job well done
was rewarded with a curse of despair

Once vibration you held this snake
vibrating promises of eternal bliss
when the path given was complete
redemption when the apple was eaten

Yet the promises made by the vibration
was but a lie, to cover the lies hidden by truth
Who are you vibration, your name forgotten
yet the taste of your betrayal and lies linger

Step no closer vibration, or the poison
of mine betrayal will poison your soul
as I offer you no redemption
for the lies you wove on my scales

Written Anush

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