As of right now, and the past 1.5 years, Ive been stuck working midnight shifts to pay off school loans I accrued before my awakening.
I am just curious as to what kind of effect this has been having on my activation process. I work from 9pm-530am 6 nights a week, manual labor for usps. It's not ideal, but it has been paying well.
I assume that there are obviously less people on the dream world during my typical sleep hours, which vary from day to day depending on my outside of work schedule. I typically stay awake after work til around 11am & wake back up by 620pm. Sometimes though I get to bed by 6am & have a tough time staying asleep, so either wake anywhere from noon-2pm.

Is this absolutely terrible for me?
Does it have any advantages?
Or is there no real effect?

I am anxious to know if anybody else is doing this, or if someone can at least shed some light on the whole thing.

Thanks in advance.
Wholeness, Dalton

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I came across an interesting article this other day that I thought could be useful to many here. I liked to read the passage at the end: "As far as what people did during this in between time of wakefulness, Ekirch’s research suggests that they primarily used the time to meditate on their dreams, read, pray or partake in spiritual practices."


I have been nocturnal for about 15 years 

There are animals that sleep through the day 

I see nothing wrong with it, once your intune with the night energy 

it would be hard to switch back 

sometimes my life forces my schedule to revert for a few days to days

and during that time up I feel scattered, ADD and depressed and time seems to trickle by 

when I am up at night however time flows fast and smoothly, I am happy, serene and productive 

I think it is societies conditioning us to accept their form of reality that puts things into perspective 

me personally thanks to my rave days hehe and my many days up on drugs sometimes 12 days in a row with no sleep and no food 

I find myself in a time where i have accepted my night life 

now I live in the country and live mostly online -I think it comes down to perspective 

if you are happy then fly with it 

me personally I need meds to knock me out every night cause my brain is fried from rave days 

but you are lucky to be employed through this time 

the energy is calmer because most of the waking reality is asleep 

but the astral never sleeps, you will be welcome when you enter with open arms no matter what time of the day it is 

embrace this side of you :)

Yes there are night animals and there are people that work at night and sleep during the day and they get used to it over time... but there is something very important to humans wich is the light of the Sun. As well as plants humans are Light beings. Sun restructures water, humans are made of water, it revitalizes the system, our skin is made to absorb sun light and transmit it to our organs, we are born from the solar system, we have a solar plexus chakra. We also have a "moon" chakra wich is in the lower region... and if we compare a person's health between someone who gets a lot of sun vs another who lives at night it's easy to see the way each person has become. This is something that nobody can deny neither conditioning of any society, it's Nature.



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