

 “Saturn is the HARD DISK of our localized reality dimensions, and it is being RE-FORMATTED. The system will reboot in 2012.”  http://www.aton432hz.info/NU.html


"The coming years will be a golden era for interstellar magnetism studies, due to recent advances in radioastronomical techniques... Interstellar magnetism is an important science driver for these telescopes."  Magnetite is OCTAHEDRAL !


"...The rings of Saturn not only look like phonogramme records, but release Saturn's Electrostatic Charges in the entire radio range. The rings of Saturn broadcast radio programmes from 20,4 Khz to 40,2 Mhz, for some 10 hour periods. This is virtually the entire radio range, and it is induced by superconductivity... The rings also are the greatest and the best radar section trackors of the entire solar system objects."


An OCTAHEDRON ( diamond, Carbon-12 ) is the best geometry for an antenna to either broadcast or receive.


Octahedron Fractal »
Six octahedra are placed at the vertices of a larger octahedron. The voids within the large octahedron are filled with tetrahedra to form a composite solid octahedron, which is then placed at the vertices of yet another octahedron, and the voids again are filled with tetrahedra. This process constitutes two stages of a fractal structure.
In The Fractal Octahedron Network of the Large Scale Structure, Dr. Battaner suggests the geometry of the octahedral matrix is “fractal,” meaning it has “self-similarity at all levels.” Larger octahedra are made up of smaller octahedra, which are made up of even smaller octahedra, and so on, ad infinitum. This conforms to the ancient teaching of “As above, so below,” the idea that the Creator is reflected in all things.

However, up until a month ago, we did not know whether all the smaller octahedra in the matrix truly assembled into one single, vast octahedron. There is one enigmatic crop formation that appeared in West Kennett Long Barrow on August 4, 1999, seen here in Figure 8, which suggests that this is indeed how the universe functions.

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The 8 ascending, feminine spirals are encoded into Gothic cathedrals via the 8 pointed cross:




Gothic architecture, like parliament buildings symbolize the struggle between good and evil in which evil normally wins! I find the architecture repulsive and very outdated and am offended when I see vampire worshipping "Goths" and their sinister fashion. I prefer the architecture of Michael Rice:


Interesting :)



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