RESISTANCE I 2010 SERIES TRAILER HD from Sevan on Vimeo.
I have mentioned it a few times about my eyes when I wake up I see this grid and then it fades away. This is something that I can see everyday, in the morning, every time.
So my thoughts are about how much of the environment we are actually effecting and if it was possible that we could shape the reality ourselves and the reality is simply responding to our requests. Or is there and actual engaging taking place from various factions to intercept any way it can the total plan of Ascension. There could be nothing more frivolous. ;-)
So here it is. Today after a sequence of events I was led to look up the Resistance site in Google to see just how many sites we are linked to. After about 2 pages I came to this:
It just so happens that this year there is supposed to be a movie called the Resistance. So thus the tag for the movie is. "Resistance 2010". When looking at the the people starring in the movie the lead actor happen to be none other than Jan Balder. Ms. V herself.
With a tag line like "school has never been so dangerous.....or so much fun" I thought this to be a quite unnerving coincidence seeing that we have been following this agenda for a long time. In addition it appears that we are gaining so much presence with the title Resistance in a moment anything related to such things will direct people to the site. In conclusion this movie could only drive more people into knowing what's going on, which lends more credit that the so-called controllers may be in fact ready to make themselves vividly known.
As a side note, the other lead actor Callan McAuliffe is staring in a movie next year called I AM number 4 (Tetra) (Tron). The movie appears to be about special abilities and doppelgangers. All of this makes perfect sense to me, however, the real question is with all this spiritual activity from various sectors how long will it really be before total revelation and of course what will be my lot.
a movie i watched today at random on netflix mentioned a group called the resistance. It was called 'kaboom'. interesting story, but heavy on homosexuality. I think it is worth checking out.
I heard the Holly Wood is big on the theft of ideas like the Terminator and the Matrix movie that should have been one big flick. Lets not forget the Harry Potter movies in which the women who wrote them was so paranoid about the possible thief of her ideas that she handcuffed her brief case to her arm. Lol ...lucky You don't really care about such things brother Sevan or you'd be walking around with a vault :)
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