Within the past week We have done so much research for the book many things have been uncovered. I wanted to dedicate a good part of this day to updating the Resistance on what I've discovered as some things cannot wait.

I constantly feel that there is no time. Whether that interprets as no time left, or removing self from concepts of time it does not matter the same result ensues. It is just a matter of how you handle it. There are few things that become evident when you put it all together, very evident. The first thing is this world is very used to operating in a circle of destruction and regeneration. Most people spend a great deal of there day on wheels. Wheels inside of wheels like clocks even tires are. That is a product of this Planet and the body but not the soul. The "O" is a Chaldean symbol meaning Zer/Ser as in Zero also Zervan was known as the Zero Star, a bunch of nothing. Its time people learn to drop that zero.

So here is the trend. Through peace which is really division, the "forked tongue" of the controllers give choices to people only to get them to choose. This is the Republican Democrate thing I discussed in the Code. They are both merely from the same network and the deception is to get you to choose, thus you think you have avoided the greater evil and choose the lesser. Of course that is not what has happened. 

Problem action solution all created to make you react, externalize, and not focus on what is of value. What has been created on this Site is Internal/External a kind of hack to the Matrix if you may. When you come from your warm cocoon inside to see what's up by coming here, you get food for external. My compliments to the Chef. :-)

This tactic of good cop bad cop works more in spituality than it does in politics. Looking over Eliphas's old works to gain better ground on what these Thulist are up to he says, "It is Lucifer in the day and Vesper in the night. As if Lucifer is the good one and Vesper is even more vile, this two faced Janus you have to always watch both sides. This method goes on and on with the gods and they manipulate the stories as such. They have a proclaimed evil figure and a good figure that all stem from the same source and the person is encouraged at least sub consciously to choose which one is more pleasing to their character. (I do need an animation or picture showing that for all you graphics creators.)

The fact is you should choose yourself. Just as prince William has been born and they are sure to want people to bow down to him as king, this is another fractal of the behavior that exist within the so-called Elite. They keep erecting their "god-men" for people to worship and grovel over so they can continusly steal power and belief. More and more We are finding out that the energy of belief can be channeled in various ways by those who are in the know. It appears a lot more are in the know that even I anticipated which means you must stay aware and become in the know yourself so you will not be preyed upon, ever.

I cannot say it enough, We must work tirelessly at notifying people, thus stopping others from giving their energy to these gods. They are not the Creator (Sounds like a game show). So all the Egyptian stuff, all the Anunnaki stuff, all the unsacred Geometry, and especially the viral gnostic assended master nordic legends that feed inbred racial issues stemming from the outcome of the Orion War are part of Ouraborus and are molds that have existed since the beginning of time to get people to repeat/repent. (I know i have run on sentences for you grammar freaks, I do this for a reason as there is a flow to truth) 

What have you done wrong? Shame is a very low frequency pick your head up human soul you are great. I know this for sure and that is why I'm here with you dispute whatever happens because I know the truth, I have seen it, not just read about it and that is the difference. I can tell in someone's voice when they haven't really seen the Otherside. Once you see it things are never the same again, you are forced to always be real and present.

The reason this occures is everything reaches a boiling point. With all the division brought about by confusion of languages. Or else people would clearly see they are all really believing in the same thing, people feel so separate large groups are preparing themselves to bring death to other groups they feel are there opposites. Of course in most of these cases the puppet master is in the background working both sides up for a good sacrifice and the culprit is never addressed. 


Sin, Guilt, Pain, Anger, and Passion. The longest color wavelengths discernible by the human eye. The choice in color is key. 

So in uncovering the largest Brotherhood on Earth I discovered why the Illuminati have been thrusted to the forefront as a smoke screen to hide the big play. I will also say that I personally do not believe WWIII will take place. I think it is the final battle of Earth. I think it is the time in history that keeps repeating when the whole world just about lines up for war and then "blink" within a twinkling of an eye judgment is passed out and all people are sent to the corresponding dimension of their current level of Aura. One can actually do this before "end of the world scenarios" start to play, but all have to do something by 12 o'clock. These cycles of 12 are everywhere. 12 Zodiacs, 12 Tribes, 12 Months, 2012 Etc. 

I believe this "twinkling" has something to do with an ultra force far greater than Nuclear, thus all physical life is removed so fast nothing has a moment to feel the pain and then all of a sudden its like you woke out of a dream. Some will awake to a balanced existence of the full potential of who they are, because they have earned that, while others will awake to phantoms as companions of the fire.


Again this is a great time. Certain words have meant nothing to Us until now. We have the Cipher so looking at a term like Red Square now indicates an entirely different thing. Not to mention the group that was at play in separating me and Lenon was "Red Box". There is a step pyramid located inside of this building and it once operated as a major headquarters of the "Red Brotherhood". 

Who knows what's going on there now, but what is most important is the locations of these building as they are sitting on major leylines. I will also show some leyline work in this country I'm in now, on video, and how it actually works. These places have generally partook in several rituals to consencrate certain kinds of energy.



Communism is not just an idea it is more like a Brotherhood and they treat it as such. Do people actually think when the U.S. was going into these countries in the past and having wars with them all for nothing, for a little electronic? Again no side here is right but there is a very active spirtual war taking place at this very moment, it never ceases, and is no different than the battles of the ancient days that featured characters such as Ninja, Samuria, Shaman, Physic Spy, etc.


They are all aligned sharing a common cause, world domination, and destruction to free thinking thus strenthening the Hive mind. The HIVE is now represented heavily by the FIVE, it is the Pent or Pen that is used to keep everyone inside the Matrix, the Penitentiary for Cells. Gel Cells. Plasma is like Jelly, Hemoglobin. 


More clearly known as the Reds the Normans were the descendants of the Vikings  such as Erik the Red. There deeds shall not go untold as there is a special section on all of this in the new book. They wear Red Ties, Red Hats, Red Gloves, "Red Socks", Red Coats, etc.

The Red Queen has been found and it is Reptilian doubt it not. It is Venus also called our "sister" Planet. There sky is red Our sky is blue.

What was learned is that these types of symbols had an entirely different meaning than they portray. On the offset one is lead to believe their leader is a Dragon Slayer. In all actuality it meant that the secret was beneath their feet, or hidden from the profane masses. The Serpent cults are ever shrouded in mystery and hidden meaning. 

Well know "EA" Games. EA is pronounced Aya and is a reference to Sumerian Anunnaki EA.

CHOSEN RED QUEENS - Let Us keep in mind that it is said RA has 1 KA but possess 7 BA's. This means that certian energies can incarnate in to several people at one time depending on the strength of the energy. It is also know that Cities, which is an Egyptian word (Cidi), possess Ba's or people themselves. Each City is a actual living entitym this is why they are named as such. It's only when we look at all of this through the Illusion it losses meaning. But if you looked at an astral Los Angeles, you would see like I did that it is the City of Fallen Angels.






Many in the world may be the last to know, but not the Resistance. We brought what is Greater, You, the Most High exist within and chaseth away all contrary to your Ascension. The mind must raise its Guard and be fortified with Truth by Fact. 

BenBen Stone made of Red Granite said to hold one Ba of Ra. Ra is Red as in Infrared.


LOOKING DEEPER - As We talked about the constant ritual and hidden message being broadcasted across the news, notice the colors of the NBC Reporter, Yellow and Red. Notice the corresponding reporter is standing in front of Pillars/Giants. Notice how he mentions The Wizard of Oz and even says it is of great importance? Finally notice how they basically say everyone has a price and they have sold out. In the end the corresponding reporter is so confused he doesn't even know what not to say. Might step on a snakes head and lose his job.

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Thank you for this dish I myself had to stop the peace and love greeting as I was taught it was right to embrace you brother and sisters but I can see without a doubt the seperation caused by using the word ther red was symbolic for the blood of the people and there nation in my teaching's Love and Lite to all !!!

Almost forgot Dr. Dre = Dr. Red check his new self named earphones.

In my country during March we have a tradition to wear а white and red intertwined sewed cotton threads, at the end of the month we tie them to any froot-giving tree. The white is considered longevity and the red is considered health and power... and the strange thing is that the old custom says that they are also worn to keep "Baba Martha" "Granny March" sry for literal translation ( this is just a character from our folklore that comes in March and it is believed that at the end of the month she [shes a female] gets angry and the weather get cold and rainy and that does happen almost every year :) hope that was interesting
I like it Robert. Nice pair @Ayzik it is obvious We are on to them.

Let Us keep in mind the heart symbol is that of Venus, like explained in the Code to the Matrix. Voodoo is a Venusion practice, there Talismans are called Veve, basically V. V is 11, two sticks or peace/piece. VV is W. 11:11 is VV.

Am i the only person who thinks that this is totally hideous?! :X
Interesting ad campaign. It shows the true "colours" of red cross perfectly... spreading chaos and disaster where ever they go .
Hey all, just took some images from this thread and pointed out some less obvious shapes and patterns. Are they real to you too ?

I'm sure it's just my imagination, the media are the good guys ;)

Well if the Terra sky is blue and the Mars and Venus skies are red, check this sort of counterfeit exit door below :D

Interesting Video.



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