Rainbow: an arc, bow, part of a circle; arch, vault of colored light in the sky caused by refraction (re-fractaling) of the sun's (the sol's, the soul's) rays by rain water drops


NAMES<>MEANS (anagram?)







"R-A-I-N" ? "I-N-R-A" ?  "I-N-D-R-A" ? "INDRA" ?



GENDER: Masculine USAGE: Indian, Hinduism

OTHER SCRIPTS: इन्द्र, इंद्र (Hindi, Sanskrit)

PRONOUNCED: IN-dra   [key]

Meaning & History  "possessing drops of rain"

from Sanskrit इन्दु (indu) "a drop" and (ra) "possessing".

Indra is the name of the ancient Hindu warrior god of the sky and rain.

He is the chief god in the Hindu text the Rigveda.


Jeweled Net of Indra

"Far away in the heavenly abode of the great god Indra, there is a wonderful net which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out infinitely in all directions. In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel in each "eye" of the net, and since the net itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number. There hang the jewels, glittering like stars in the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that there is an infinite reflecting process occurring"

Quoted in World as Lover World as Self by Joanna Macy

(i've glimpsed the realm described above. amazing description of an experience barely describable.)


(Clues to the "phi" "arc" "fractal" nature of "Indra": "king of the gods" yet spiraling away from wholeness)

"The Upanishads, Hindu sacred texts, tell us that after slaying/raising the great snake, Vritra, Indra is understandably puffed up with pride. He ascends a great mountain and decides to build a palace worthy of such a great hero as himself. But the construction of the building just goes on and on. The head carpenter to the gods realizes he has signed on to an eternal contract. Clearly something must be done to whittle Indra down to size.

Upon consultation with Brahma, the god of creation, a curious plot is played out. A mysterious messenger appears at the palace door one day, and Indra proceeds to show him around the new construction. The messenger is properly impressed and remarks that this is certainly the finest palace any Indra has ever built. Indra is understandably confused. Any Indra? He thought he was the only one. The messenger from Brahma draws Indra's attention to a procession of ants walking in formation over the palace floor. "Those ants," he says, "are all former Indras!""


(this next excerpt is loaded with strange clues and info but doesn't the "battle" with Vritra sound like an allegory for raising kundalini?)

Indra is the Vedic god of rain and thunder. He is king of the gods in the Rig Veda, ranking next to Agni. The Rig Veda also describes him as the great warrior, and leader of the Aryans, who crumbles the humble earthworks of the black, snub-nosed, "primitive," of the land, loots the treasure houses of the "godless," and "frees the rivers (a phrase taken to mean the breaking down of dams and levees). It seems that Indra was originally a clan chief who was deified and over the centuries took on attributes of gods. At the height of the Vedic period he was a violent, hard-drinking Bronze Age barbarian; later on though he dropped to the second rank of the gods, his place ironically being taken by Krishna, a gentler god.

In early Vedic history Indra was thought of as a sky god. He gained his position by (depending on the version translated) slaying or raising  Vrtra, or Ahi, the serpent of drought, who swallowed the cosmic waters and lay in coils around the mountains. Indra's decisive thunderbolt split the stomach of Ahi, releasing the waters, generating life, and liberating the dawn.


Indradhanus: Sankskrit for indra's bow or rainbow

Amitola: American Indian Sioux name meaning rainbow

Arco baleno: Italian for rainbow mean "arc of lightening" "arc of light flash"

Arc en ciel: French for rainbow meaning "arc in sky"

Arco iris: Spanish meaning rainbow arc of iris

Arc de Sant Martí: Catalan for rainbow

Ayame: Japanese name meaning iris

Веселка: Rainbow in Ukrainian

Curcubeu: Rainbow in Romanian

Duha: Czech for Rainbow

Enfys: Welsh unisex name meaning rainbow

gökkuşağı, ebemkuşağ: Turkish for rainbow

Iris: Greek rainbow goddess

Isa: Chamoru name meaning rainbow

Itzel: Variant of Mayan Ixchel, meaning rainbow lady

Ixchel: Mayan myth name of a goddess of the earth, moon, and medicine, meaning rainbow lady

Kashti: Hebrew name meaning my bow; my rainbow

Keshet: Hebrew name meaning rainbow

Munkwon: Micmac word for the rainbow

niji: Japanese for rainbow

pадуга: Russian meaning rainbow

pelangi: Indonesian meaning rainbow

tecza: Polish for Rainbow

pstrąg: Polish for Rainbow

ostadar :Basque name meaning rainbow

osumare: African Yoruba name meaning rainbow

regenboog: Dutch for rainbow

regenbogen: German for rain "regen": rain, "bogen": arc, bow, part of a circle; arch, vault

regnbue: Danish and Norwegian for rainbow "regn": rain, "bue": bow

regnbåge: Swedish for rainbow

chavatangakwunua: Hopi American Indian name meaning short rainbow

tangakwunu: Hope American Indian name meaning rainbow

szivárvány: Hungarian for rainbow

Qaws qozah: Arabic for rainbow

dziadzan: Armenian name meaning rainbow

ziazan: Armenian name meaning rainbow

upindi wa mvua: Swahili for rainbow

sateenkaari: Finnish for rainbow

ānuenue: Hawaiian for rainbow

Views: 785

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Replies to This Discussion

Wonderful research here, just saw this. 

Indeed...  thank you...

a reflection of the resistance's eye-opening instruction. thank you to all of you too.

also noticed, "INDRA" <anagram> "DRAIN". "DRAIN" as in a downward spiral. Down the rabbit hole once again. also, notice how "Indradhanus" (sankskrit for indra's bow or rainbow) sounds basically the same as "androgynous" when spoken aloud.



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