"This is simply the finest Shilajit available in the world. Harvested in Ladakh at elevations of over 3000 meters, the raw material is processed through an elaborate series of Ayurvedic stages to produce the pure elixir found here."


Well well well things just keep getting better. I have finally tested and secured a source for Pure Shilajit. Here are the facts. In several conversations about certain individuals walking amongst us with large amounts of Chi power such as Dynamo Jack I was always inquisitive if there was anything beyond meditation that they were doing in order to build such high levels of Chi.


I began to discover through various channels that in fact they were and that Alchemy played a major part in Chi building, development, and cultivation. I come to tell you Alchemy is alive and well in the East and they are constantly taking large steps into higher consciousness. The fact is there is entirely to much disinformation abroad and a bulk of that comes from western fear and ignorance as they are raised to believe that they are more superior than people that they have never even met or in many cases have only met the third generation westernized descendants of.


So what should you expect with the super tonic? A guaranteed undeniable boost in spiritual energy, perception, and growth. No Placebo. I have talked about this combination on the show not wanting to hold anyone back from attempting to obtain it but the fact was getting "Pure Shilajit" became a task as there is Shilajit available on the internet but in almost all cases it was someone in the east selling very low quality Shilajit in large amounts.


The fact is you only need a pepper corn size dose of Pure Shilajit for it to begin its effects and by the next day you can begin feeling the change in energy levels. After cycling Shilajit in my system for about a week I could actually hear my own frequency so loud that I began to think that I may have another Spirit hanging around me. After I calmed down and meditated on it I realized it was my own frequency just amplified and I could hear it go up and down as I started basic whole body breathing techniques. Even without the meditation I could feel a strong difference in my energy levels. Shilajit is also known as the Mercury of Alchemy it is the fire builder of Chi.


Chi Tonic Recipe

(1) Peppercorn Size Nugget of Shilajit

(2) Capsules of Jing Builder

(1) Capsule of Etherium Gold


I believe this blend works best because it seems to insulate the system on various levels in order to achieve optimal effect. You will find the links to obtain these product below and you will find more information about Alchemy in the East for more clarity. Wholeness and Balance

(Click Product Name to Hyperlink)

Pure Shilajit

Jing Builder

Etherium Gold


From Burma:

The alchemical tradition of Burma, known as eggiyat, or the "work with fire", draws it's inspiration and techniques from both Indian and Chinese alchemy. While Burmese alchemy contains methods for the transmutiation of base metals into gold, of much greater importance are the goals of achieving immortality, magical and occult powers, and spiritual development. The achievement of these goals is sought through the use of the datloung, or alchemical stone, known as the philosopher's stone or Stone of the Wise in Western alchemical tradition.

The Burmese believe that all matter is made up of four elements: earth, air, fire and water. In direct contrast to the usual Buddhist philosophical position that everything is ultimately impermanent, in Burma it is believed that the essence of these elements is eternal and unchanging. The alchemy of Burma in both theory and practice is based on the premise that by extracting the essence of the elements and solidifying it, this 'stone' can pass on some of it's unchanging (and therefore undying) nature to the owner. Through the use of gold, mercury and iron and other materials, the alchemist 'forges' his or her own datloung (alchemical stone), a process which can take many months or years.

From India:

Persian physician Abū Rayhān Bīrūnī is recorded as saying that the Indians: "have a science similar to our alchemy which is quite peculiar to them, which in Sanskrit is called Rasayāna and in Persian Rasavātam. It means the art of obtaining/manipulating Rasa, nectar, mercury, juice. This art was restricted to certain operations, metals, drugs, compounds, and medicines, many of which have mercury as their core element. Its principles restored the health of those who were ill beyond hope and gave back youth to fading old age."

Indian alchemy is focused on finding Moksha: perfection, immortality, liberation. As such it focuses on transmutation of the human body from mortal to immortal.


From Tibet:

Alchemy in Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan is mostly based in the esoteric form of Buddhism known as Vajrayana, or the 'Indestructible Vehicle'. This form of Buddhism offers some of the most efficient and powerful means for attaining enlightenment in a single life, and includes the use of special alchemical elixirs for speeding one along the path. Many of the lineages of Tibetan alchemy come from the two most famous Buddhist alchemists of ancient India, the Mahasiddhas Nagarjuna and his student, Aryadeva.

The mahasiddha tradition flowed into Tibet beginning in the eighth century with the arrival of the great Indian master Padmasambhava. Later teachings from the Taoist tradition of China and aspects of traditional Greek and Persian medicine were added to this Indian base, and the canon of Tibetan Medicine was formed.


From China:

Chinese alchemy is a part of the larger tradition of Taoism. It centers on a tradition of body-spirit cultivation that developed through the understanding of medicine and the body in China. Various Chinese traditions were developed into a system of energy practices, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and alchemy, both internal and external.

Chinese alchemy focuses mainly on the purification of one's spirit and body in the hopes of gaining immortality through the combined practice of Chi Kung and the consumption of various alchemical preparations and elixirs.

Alchemical medicines were valued for two main reasons. First, they granted transcendence and immortality, and secondly they made it possible to summon benevolent spirits and to expel demons. Alchemical practice was often divided into Waidan or 'external alchemy' - the use of substances to extend life and bring powers, and Neidan or 'internal alchemy' - which focused on energy cultivation through Chi Kung and Taichi.


Now you have the Recipe and growth only remains up to you.



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There are a few people in this area that take shilajit just for stress factor alone. The mycelium network can offer a great boost ,and maintenance as well. These 3 together with the right practice.... Hyperspace concoction.

It looks very much like pure reishi extract!  reishi has been said to also help with chi, it seems they are very alike.


Pure extraction is indeed the correct one for obvius reasons and becouse of this:

"Purified Shilajit has an unlimited shelf life. Research showed that in tablet or powder form it loses a lot of its healing properties and is less effective, due to the oxidation and evaporation of the benzoic, humic and fulvic acid, main active ingredients."

Man I gotta try shilajit along with reishi.



Robert Talbert

Conqueror of Mountains-Destroyer of Weakness

its helped me grapple mountain sides like a webbed monky

can you use chulen instead of jing builder ?

I started taking Shilajit about 1 month ago. The first couple of days I noticed a slight increase in my energy level. But, after about 1 week my 3rd eye started twitching like somebody was taping their finger on my forehead. Then about 2 weeks later I tried the etherium gold. My ears have been ringing for about 3 years now consistently. But, the vibration and intensity has picked up so much that I could hear everything inside and outside of me. I have to watch my feelings because they're projecting more to others. I'm manifesting quicker which is great! My dreams are much more vivid and I react in real time like I know that I'm dreaming. I'm able manipulate the dream state better. I also noticed tingling which feels more like electrical impulses running through my body which started in my feet and legs and now kind of go all over the place. As a matter of fact I'm shocking people more when I touch them. The last couple of days there's been this almost constant slight pressure at the base of my spine moving up to the back of my shoulders. I've already had a kundalini awakening twice about 3 years ago. So, I'm not sure what that's all about. But, I feel like I'm being upgraded! Lol. Just wanted to share which is something I wouldn't have done in the past. But, maybe this info can help someone, or maybe somebody can relate to this message. Wholeness.



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