I could not tarry long in getting this document to those who are Guided. Many things have become obvious however it is truly about how one responds to information to determine whether or not they accept it as truth and whether or not they can be awakened. Because so much none decisions making has gone on it has forced this point upon many. I can say personally real decisions are not easy, that's why we avoid making them. Some things can be avoided no longer. You must know. 



This means stay away if you are prone to fear and emotion. We do not rate these documents as such unless there is truly something life altering in the document that should be ingested by the Adept asap to get a firmer grasp on what We are dealing with. The neophyte however can stunt his or her growth by taking in information as such without establishing a firm ground of who you are and how powerful you can and will be.

This document has been clipped as the author still has yet to realize Christ is Anti-Christ/Lucifer. Many are still in denial holding on to small threads but they do great research. ;-)

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Ok... I am going to have a gander... FYI: I just happened to download "Veils of Isis" from the Library... AWESOME BOOK! Absolutley awesome... thanks alot for all you do...

I will check this out and get back with any observations that I think may help... take Care.
" the "Most High" isnt selling very well esp with the stubborn" lol thats the thing Christianity is always selling itself "souled" sold. The void should be filled with the innerstanding that what creates that is not have the internal connection with the Most High. Christ is an external idea no matter what, it is something that has been taught. A whole story with characters etc. , the Most High has always been there, always will be and when one is truly ready to stop looking externally for everything but themselves it will be there for them.
coming soon to a neighbourhood near you. this is no joke i just took these pictures a few minutes ago, when i asked what was the reason for this i was given the most logical excuse that the spiritually deaf dumb and blind would accept. as we all know who the rfid chip is been implemented by missing children, and alheimer was the reason, so is their logical reason was cars are been broken into. a few days ago i went to the shopping center in the neighbourhood and this wasn't there today i went back and bam!!! here it is. if this is not concentration camp prototype sell me a tropical resort in alaska... all this week this dark entity was wearing military wear, i knew something was wrong as i found something this week in this entity's car, that says, payload at@t, nsa spy mission. i had my suspicion of this being now for years now, and this week he really started some problem for me. this is my proof... i had to go back to the shopping center and take pictures of this but before i went i mention this and the entity said like the one in wal-mart... so i went to walmart to see if i see this... nope not there... but from dealing with this entity i know what he means by that, the rfid chip clothing that walmart is suppose to put on the market this month... this was taken in ft. lauderdale florida.... and guess who was in florida this week... none other than obama himself.... who can't read the signs become the sign.... you just have to have the eyes to see...
this this is military green with a star in the middle. as i saw this the first thing i saw was military and concentration camp.

am one of those beings that they gonna have to take down am not falling for the rapture or the capture. if i don't ascend this life time, am there the next as there is still a lot of work to be done on this plane and like their "jesus" had to descent to release those in the bowel of hades, some of us have that mission also.....
The article and many other sources out there have linked the concept of "Christ Consciousness" right back to Madame Blavatsky and Alice Baily of the theosophy society and lucis (Lucifer trust), both known Luciferians as the document points out, Benjamin Creme one who has carried on their work.

The idea is to present the false messiah as the real one that people follow, at least that's what I took from reading it.

The thing about a person, wether he can or not be awakened is something wich questions me a lot. The whole thruth is certainly pushed away by fear, and the lack of interrest in common life. This makes it hard to tell wake people , and sometimes makes me wonder if ppl want to wake up at all. Even though i know most sleeperz DO know most of te lies , and still dont want anything to do with the truth. This also makes it hard to balance yourself and yer environment.

Ill get on reading project enoch asap, should be very interresting again.

Thanks sevan, and resistance. Wholenesz
The thing about a person, wether he can or not be awakened is something wich questions me a lot. The whole thruth is certainly pushed away by fear, and the lack of interrest in common life. This makes it hard to tell wake people , and sometimes makes me wonder if ppl want to wake up at all. Even though i know most sleeperz DO know most of te lies , and still dont want anything to do with the truth. This also makes it hard to balance yourself and yer environment.

Ill get on reading project enoch asap, should be very interresting again.

Thanks sevan, and resistance. Wholenesz
Thank you!



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