The wonderful day has finally come. No more reading if you do not want to the Audio version is now here. In addition a "printable" copy of the Code is now available also for those that have been wanting to print the Code but could not due to the black background and the amount of ink that it would take to do so. This will assist in getting the Code to others.
You will find the audio files split into 4 files about 100MB each. These files are approximately 2 Hours long, making the whole book assimilable in 8 hours roughly. I have used the best computer generated reader to do this, although it may take a moment to get used to it of course it saves loads of time. Following along while listening produces optimal results. The audio is matched to the "printable version" of the Code not the original as there had to be a few adjustments when converting from word to pdf.
I will also be doing this for other books I feel are important for members to read, so stay tuned as I will generally be posting audio version to every book that I post from here on. You will find the links below. We are here for you, tirelessly. 
The Code to the Matrix Printable Edition
The Code to the Matrix Audio Files

Update November 16, 2010
A new more clearer audio copy! Thanks to Resistance member Esdsix you will find it below.
Update: July 5
We are no longer affiliated with Matrix Underground as the owner of that site has attempted to steal members from the Resistance behind our backs for no reason other than selfishness and want of popularity. Thus the audio files are being re-uploaded elsewhere to be hosted from another location. You will still find the printable copy of the code available below.

Views: 11892


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Thank you MJ for all you time and effort that you have put into the Resistance. ;-)

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and long hours of research.

Hi, Sevan

I finally finished reading The Code on 27 April 2014, after having started it a month or so before. Truly eye-opening (which is why it took me so long to read it)....thank you very much for all your wonderful work!

I'm looking forward to the audio version.


Tony, Australia


Wow Sevan, thank you for this :)
something is wrong with the part 3 it doesnt want to download...
Checking now.
Okay thats fixed.
thank you..
wow, thanks you're truly a thoughtful person to think of those who is visually impaired. worked as a tty operator i know how much this is appreciated.... now we can reach the visual and the hearing impaired...
WoW, this is a great illustration Sevan and thanks for everything
Time To Code Again!
Guys is printable link not working?



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