I am in the process of activating. I read this info and would LOVE to get other's opinin on this section.
In the book, "The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga" by Swami Vishnu-devananda, page 223 says the following: "The finest and highest manifestation of all prana's action in the human being is thought. By the trained manipulation of this subtle force of prana, the Yogi is able to give a push to the mind to go higher up into the superconscious plane and to act from that plane.
The grossest manifestation of prana in the human body is the motion of the lungs. If the motion of the lungs is stopped, all other manifestation of energy and movements of the body will stop automatically. In order to reach and control the subtle prana, the Yogi uses various breathing exercises. The motion of the lungs acts like the flywheel that sets the other forces of the body in motion. So pranayama means the controlling of the motion of the lungs, by which the subtle prana is controlled. When the subtle prana is controlled, then all other gross manifestations of prana in the body will slowly come under control. Every part of the body can be filled up with prana and when we are able to do this, the whole body will be under our control. All diseases of the body can be destroyed from the root by controlling and regulating the prana and it brings the secret knowledge of healing. If our body is strong and healthy with much pranic energy, we will have the natural tendency to produce health and vitality in those who live near us because the pranic energy of our body will be, as it were conveyed to other bodies just as the water flows from the higher level to the lower. Thus in the case of one man trying to heal another, a sick person, it can be done by transferring his/(her) own prana to the sick person. This can be successful only when one is ablel to recharge his/(her) body consciously with the pranic energy through pranayama."
This sounds so good
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