Wholeness Resistance!

I would like ask whether it is possible to use your power of intent to heal your physical body of ailments through affirmations and the emotional, physical connection? A for instance would be if one was experiencing dis-ease with their pancreas, they could use their intent to look within and call upon their highest powers of healing to release any and all physical, emotional and mental patterns that created the condition... would that be considered a safe way to use intent? I personally have had much success this, but after listening to some of your recordings I would like to make sure that I AM using my intention to manifest the truest results.

Much Love- Jackie

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Theoretically yes, using intention to heal the physical body is a definite option. Just be very diligent, objective and honest with yourself when you do any form of self healing. Find a way to test to make sure that what you are doing is actually healing the pancreas (or anywhere). As far as that being a safe way to use intent as long as what you are doing is for the greater good of yourSelf and everyone else then it sounds safe to me.

Also consider supplementation to further back up your intent, Realm Dynamics offers all kinds of great ayurvedic medicine and homeopathy that you can get into.




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