Wholeness and balanced vibration to everyone good and bad:) hello Yesturday a friend of mine gave me mushrooms and said it could possibly help with my deep thinking witch it totally did but while on the mushroom i was walking through  time enjoying life and the people passing by and my mind was open but then i got onto inglis street witch is the main st in truro where i am living but when i got on the street i had a eary feeling and at the square at 3 or 2 in the morning there where four people there two couples i looked at them and noticed right away they appear human but are not and soon as i noticed them they hurried away and it left me thinking where they bird people?  Lol sounds silly but i seen regualr people and they were fine but these people where verry diffrent and my friend the next day recalled the oddness of them but thought my idea of bird people was crazy soo my question to you is did i se bird people or was i just tripping  lol love to everyone:)

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JAJAJAJA wow sounds like A TRIP! but personally it feels that its hard to come to conclusions with these sorts of things that are subjective. Especially with psychedelics and mushrooms! LoL, yet i'm sure there is an explanation that could be beneficial if an experienced person such as a healer/shaman could interpret but you can be your own shaman..LOL. Reminds me about 6 years ago, ate psychedelic truffles and people looked like zombies driving in cars and cooked hamburger patties disgusted me tremendously, appeared bloody red and looked raw so after that day I stopped eating beef and still do not to this day...



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