With my recent awakening I have experience a few things that I was prepared for but this is perplexing me ...first the other night while walking home I saw something in the sky that I was sure was not of this earth I asked it to give me some sort of sign that it was real and when I got home there was a beautiful owl pendant just laying there on my porch so today I'm walking and taking selfies and when I got home I looked at the pictures I took there is a huge what looks like an owl hovering in the sky just watching me it isn't flying its head is turned and looking directly at me like its watching me taking pictures of myself I wish I could post the picture if there is a way let me know and I will do so anyways I took pictures one after the other seconds apart and this owl is nowhere to be found in any other pictures I heard the owl means death is that true what doea this mean I'm not afraid qoups just like to know if u can help please contact me thanks

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I've had a friend send a few pictures where an owl trinket had appeared out of nowhere , this was around the easter season , i would do some resistance searching on ishtar the owl god , inanna , astarte , also check out the forlong rivers of life pdf in reference to the pendants/trinkets and when they came into the game , this could possibly make some connections for you . 

I would "take" pendant since the owl is a "good, powerful" symbol. I think it a way it opposes the symbol of raven, but none of them are necessarily scary. If u like, look through this vid


Seeing an owl is an evil omen in arabic culture, like seeing it in your house means that the death of someone dear to you is near, but seeing it following you means you're about to get backstabbed. Whatever it may be, be more careful these days and be wary of the people around you.

Signs :  Walking equals traveling to seek destination ( seek and you shall find) .

             In the sky equals looking above your material support system ( physical) .

             I was sure equals I Am Convinced .

             Owl pendent equals the Wisdom of gravity that circles the plan net in the number eight  motion that                     holds your  spirit  in your universe ( unique verse ) ???????????????????????

             The appearance of the owl is the moment captured once and " framed " into the physical rhelm is in a

             " fleeting "  moment , bound by time , Hence a pause to acknowledge Your Spirit ,                                                 : a Greeting????????????????? 

              You Heard the Herd screaming death and want to know if it is True ?????????

              Your not afraid or meaning: " un a frayed in your what seams " to weave the answer to your question ?

               Death is not :" Being " in the Moment , Hence what has come from your experience ??????????

               Did it lead you into the number 8 going a round the round Looking through the owls eyes for your

               answer ?

               Like to know if  Why Oh You ) (  u ) can help ?

               You experienced the positive action and you have just met this post that grounded Your " NOW ""                        Moment .

               My Post reflects your Words Or They Mirror another Matter in Perspective .

               Death is looking back and forward ( for word )  on the time lying in wait for its next prey ?

               What has the experience done to your " present " called the moment ?

                To read the signs in your times your dueling eyes must become one inside the third eye .



Been hearing Owls all around for quite some time as well . The other night i saw one for the second time swooped down out of the tree and headed right for me , tilted up side ways and swooped past my head and disappeared . He could have crashed through the  windshield of the escape and took me out , he made that blatantly clear ! Whew


I can relate to this. When I was 3, my brother and I had an experience with a huge disc shaped object right above our house....I mean RIGHT above it. After that I began to have dreams about owls, big owls in a circle looking right at me. In these dreams. Which were extremely vivid and real, I experienced great euphoria, though I had no idea why. The sight of a barn owl still does this to me even today. 

Many years later I was driving home in my car after feeding my horses and it was late afternoon in summer. I had my daughter in the car and a friend of the family I was dropping off at home. We were in the middle of nowhere and I slowed down to round a bend. I turned to my friend and said ' I know exactly what's going to happen now,' He laughed and said' go on, what?' I slowed down further and said ' An owl is going to land in front of the car, it's going to be joined by another, then a third.' I felt kind of weird saying it and was smiling broadly, it just felt odd, but I just knew it. Surely enough an owl swooped down and sat in the middle of the road, then a minute later another and then the third, all in a line right in front of the car, all looking at us. My friend looked astonished and time seemed to stand still. I got out of the car and walked up to the owls and one by one they flew off. I got back into the car and we drove my friend home. When we got home it was dark. I rang my friend as I couldn't believe the time. Neither could he. ' What happened out there ? ' he said, we've lost nearly 2 1/2 hours. 

I have no idea what happened. We all saw the owls, they did not behave normally at all. Here's another story; years later again we are driving home from work at 10 am. I stop the car. My daughter looks at me and says,' Mom, why have we stopped the car?' I smile and I even laugh. ' there's an owl back there near the hedge ( I wasn't sure about that - the words just came out ) it's injured and needs our help. We reversed quickly, sure enough by the hedge was a barn owl. I jumped out of the car and picked it up like a baby. It let me hold it without a mourner and I took it home. As we sat on the drive I put the crook of my finger inside its talons and it gently held my finger but did not grip. We train birds of prey and I assure you this was not normal. I tried to feed the owl but it wouldn't eat. Couldn't tube it either. I had a brain wave, though it was a long shot. I put My owl Miss Prim, in with it. I watched from a distance knowing how territorial owls were. She ignored it totally, but a few hours later, I caught her feeding it like a baby owl - which it most certainly was not. 

I have a deep connection with birds and do a lot of healing with them. At times like that Zi have seen orange lights fill the space around me and the bird. It's a strange light like the haze you get around car indicators at night crossed with the patterns cordial makes whdn you drop it into water. So hard to describe. It gives me the same euphoric otherworldly feeling, like Im somewhere else, but no idea where or what that is.

The eyes of the Owls in my memory and dreams are slanted and almond shaped. Until I got an owl I was sure that the eyes were like that, but they are not, they are round. I don't think the things I saw in my dreams were owls, I think they were entities.

I have literally hundreds of experiences like that from the age of 3 onwards. I am desperately looking for someone very experienced to help me delve deeper into my subconscious to unlock my memories. I don't want to appeal on line because I fear getting mixed up with the wrong kind of people. I need someone I can trust. If there's anyone out there who can help, please contact me. I need to do it now. I feel an extreme urgency to do this. My journey has not been an easy one and I have felt very close to death many times during my experiments and experiences. It is most definitely  not for the faint hearted. You need nerves of steel. 

Anyone else had any owl or 'weird Siamese cat' type experiences ? Sounds odd to ask that, I know, but A London Met policeman told me two odd stories about a very similar experience but with an odd almond eyes Siamese type cat he saw in the back of s car one night on his patrol. It reminded me of my experience. He later had an experience with a ufo and another cat which literally disappeared in front of him. He had never told anyone about it before he told me. Curious. 

Kindest regards Suze.



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