I did a search first but did not seem to find this particular issue. If this is discussed elsewhere on this site kindly point me in that direction.

During my meditation this morning I was suddenly totally out of breath. The second before I was breathing normally. The next second it was as if all the air in my lungs was gone. There was no physical sensation of anything pressing against my throat or chest. I did not panic or fight it. Instead I thought it would be a good time to try an out-of-body technique. Perhaps 5 - 6 seconds passed before my breathing suddenly returned. I was wearing a sleep mask. I saw a faint image of a cockpit with a holographic image suspended about a raised platform. In the background were several control panels and a window looking out into space. I opened my eyes (mask still on) and could still see the image. It gradually faded. I have experienced this out of breath phenomenon two other times.

Has anyone else had an out-of-breath experience during meditation? I'm curious. I have several questions. I'm looking inside for answers but would also appreciate feedback from those with similar experiences.


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I think I may have solved the puzzle. I have been refining the "body asleep, mind awake" state. I snore during sleep and sometimes during meditation have even heard myself snore. My better half has noticed I display symptoms of sleep apnea on occasion. I intuit then that what happened was my experiencing of sleep apnea but in a more conscious state.

As for the faint image that appeared afterwards I am still uncertain. I have had a few out-of-body experiences and most of the times I end up in deep space.



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