As the low frequency troll patrol continues their charade around the internet there have been recent posts claiming that the mucoid plaque removal of colon cleansing is a scam and there is no"scientific proof" that such things even work. Here is my response to that just to have a logged entry here of not what I "think" but what I know "about" it.

"They can forget it, trying to discredit Blessed Herbs is invalid. Its very simple, if you eat while doing the cleanse, even just a little, the Psyllium Hulls and addition herbs will attach to the food/pulp that you are eating and what you will see in your stool is a combination of Psyllium Hulls and digested food. This relies on the person then to get serious for a moment, you must curb the eating habits altogether for the duration of the cleanse and allow those same Psyllium Hulls and herbs to absorb in to the walls of the intestines rather then in to some food you are still eating. This will allow a grouping together of the mucoid plaque caked on the walls of the intestines for a final unhinging around day 5-9. This feces is easy to discern as being mucoid plague, it can be black and smells more awful then standard feces, or Psyllium Hulls attached to food. All feces will have the rubbery appearance during this process. Blessed Herbs is very clear about this in their manual, see attached image.  Lots of disinformation out there messing things up for people, blocking their way to higher vibratory frequency. As far as scientific proof, science cannot take a stance over your own experience. I experienced the result of cleansing thats why I use this product and recommend it to my Family."

Notice on none of these forums they allow comments, silly trolls lol

See more about internal cleansing products here

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About the mucoid plaque being real or not, I've been doing some information gathering on both sides of the 'argument'.
It seems there are other names for it, such as biofilm. I was also reading about it from Dr Richard Anderson's own words, which you can check out on this link if you already havent:

I have a few questions, if anyone can say anything about them I appreciate it, if not, no problemo. Oh, and I tend not to be fully FOR nor fully AGAINST things/ideas. I rather hold back on placing my belief until I have some level of certainty.

anyway, it seems that some have claimed that the mucoid plaque that comes out during the cleanse is a result of the powder ingested. I dont have much certainty on that so Im still reading, but part of me agreed that it could be true, because it sounds reasonable.

Another thing I thought of is how did Dr Richard know that he had plaque on his intestine? the answer may be out there but I havent come across it yet. 

Another affirmation by Dr Richard has flagged my interest, so in his own words (from the link I posted):
"“Mucoid plaque” of any description is unnatural and is found only after the body has moved towards diseased states"

So in effect, most of us or all of us are in that situation? All our bodies have moved towards diseased states? I think that everyone that does the detox, will rid something that matches the description of the plaque. Or is his description of a 'diseased state body' different from my conception?

Forgive my ignorance if Im out of place with my questions.

And the final question is why do doctors and others say its not true? Are they part of a conspiracy, are they not being thorough enough?

To back this question of mine up, here is this link which I found.

Im skeptic to a certain level, not too much though, a healthy ammount so dont take me wrong please. Also Im not here discrediting anyone, nor anyones research, its nothing personal. I just have curiosity and questions (Also because I am doing the colon cleanse from blessherbs).

Have a beautiful day or night depending on where you reside.

- Jeferson

In my personal experience with detoxification the colon with the powder is that the muqoid plaque is real.

Not only did I expelled it from the body, I felt relief, healthy, rejuvenated, good, etc. Which I think is the overall goal of this discussion right? However there many factors that can impede this feeling after doing the bentonite cleaning.

But I can relate to doubting the muqoid plaque reality, which I myself was hard to convince until actually being part of the experiment.

Experience is the great teacher, I would consider myself a fool for denying it haha.

In my humble opinion I think most aren't in the conspiracy. I think they are just so brained washed and it's hard for them to accept any contraction to their education. Also if most were in the conspiracy I wouldn't be surprised. My brother became a doctor for the money. I am pretty sure there are docs out there that would do anything for the money.



Sean that depends on what you are eating :). You still need staples to your diet, things that give it substance. Deep green vegetables in the UK is the thing, which have always tbh been the staples of our diet here.

Yes though more bathroom trips will happen, but not as many as if you for example had more liquid fruits.
If you are serious you balance this by not eating early morning and late evening, as these are the times you shouldn't be eating anyway, lots of liquids instead in the morning for detox, then around 10-12 have a lot of food, eat as you like till 6 then slow down, so your organs are not digesting while you sleep, instead resting.

What does this mean? As well as helping detox and not tiring out your organs as you sleep, you'll be going to the toilet in the evening, not noon while you are at work.

Eye agree, Mark. We have to take the cleanse serious which was my first time my body ever felt total rest for that period, eye loved its releases with no complications and can't wait to start it over for a even better reward as ascension comes in stage after stage we must cleanse properly. Thank you for the clarity Sevan as well. WBV

In my personal experience with detoxification the colon with the powder is that the muqoid plaque is real.

Not only did I expelled it from the body, I felt relief, healthy, rejuvenated, good, etc. Which I think is the overall goal of this discussion right? However there many factors that can impede this feeling after doing the bentonite cleaning.

But I can relate to doubting the muqoid plaque reality, which I myself was hard to convince until actually being part of the experiment.

Experience is the great teacher, I would consider myself a fool for denying it haha.

In my humble opinion I think most aren't in the conspiracy. I they are just so brained washed and it's hard for them to accept any contraction to their education. Also if most were in the conspiracy I wouldn't be surprised. My brother became a doctor for the money. I am pretty sure there are docs out there that would do anything for the money.



idiot low vibrate trolls.. mucoid plaque, plaque, soil for bad bacteria, whatever u want to call it.. it can not be debunked.. eat raw foods then and ull see the mucoid plaque come out in months.. take blessed herbs u can see some in the 9 day cleasne

Thank you Omar, I appreciate it. I thought Sevan was going to answer, as the started the post. But whatever. I appreciate everyones input, to be honest.



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