hello wholeness vibrations to all, last night i had strange dream that was very vivid and i became conscious so i was able to ask questions but iv seen my grandfather witch has been dead for 7 years at my aunts house during a party, i was exicited to see him so i gave him a hug and told him i missed him, anyways he go up and was about to leave so i followed him to the door and asked what happens on the other side, he said we come back to hell, then we appeared in a basement full of beings but i ignored this and asked my grandfather if there is another way or a way out and he was about to start explaining but only managed to get out within before he was cut off by a demon witch told me he was a lier, when this entity came my grandfather hurried off,(i hope i never got him in trouble) but i told the demon my gradfather would not lie to me and woke up what do you think? thank you
im not sure what im afraid of but im afraid sometimes in the basement with demons i wasent afraid of them i just wanted out lol alough they tried to scare me but i was fully aware i was untouchable there :)