The thought came to me  in some meditation 


Why havent I shared this document on the resistance when you folks have helped me so much with this in unseen realms 


recently esoterickitty deceptionollywood and a few from her facebook crew helped me uncover some startling facts about some people i have included on my trauma document making it not only the largest masonic conspiracy in canada but also the largest hollywood industrial complex conspiracy.


I am not here to whine about my story rather to get my story known by people and help others with it, at the very least it makes a small novella on the MK mind control program in canada unlike cathys books mine is the modern times with new encoding and new people 



The canadian costa rican ambassador

The Vice president of scotia bank

Jessica alba 

hayden christensen 

Queen elizibeth 

and a few more from the power/masonic centres of canada


they are all apart of my own personal trauma document in our quest to uncover the truth I am proud to release this document on the resistance site with excellent insider info and observations 


Please see the updated links farther on in this thread to view the documents in written and audio format this format is 1 hour long and the written should always be referred to for clarification.


Spot on PRAWN :) 

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Hi sorry it has been awhile since I logged in 

some new developments 

Link one to the written manifesto

Link 2 to another copy of the written

Link 3 to yet another copy of written

and for those that cannot handle the written aspect I have made the manifesto into an audio format 

Link to Audiomanifesto

Link 2 to another copy of the audiomanifesto

Link 3 to yet another copy of the audiomanifesto



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