Greetings Family,

I've read alot about the benefits of a vegetarian diet and I'm convinced vegetariansim is good for spiritual progress. I'm lactose intolerant so I try to avoid eatin/drinking dairy-products but when I read ayurvedic literature it always mentions the benefits of milk. Even in Judaism, Christianity and Islam they always talk about the blessings and benefits of milk. Is this symbolic and is there a hidden message/opening that I'm missing or is it something else? Is milk good for people who are not allergic to dairy-products?

Thanks in advance

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A few things to ponder, which influence my choice to abstain from dairy products other than the occasional cheese..

- The amount of advertising and government subsidation of the dairy industry should raise suspicion
- Dairy product intake increases mucous production, thus clogging the body, aggravating illnesses (maybe inhibiting the chakras'??)
- Most dairy is high in fat, and it is known that factory farming uses intensive amounts of hormones, antibiotics, steroids, not to mention the fossil fuel pesticides and fertilizers that go into producing the feed for the animals. Most of these above-mentioned nasties are fat-soluble so...
- From an ethical point of view, factory farm animals are not treated in the kindest manner, to say the least.
- From a biological point of view, human beings are the only animal that regularly ingests another animals milk after weaning...kind of freaky

Having said the above, one could argue that if you were to get dairy from local, organic sources and/or from people you trust, health issues could be minimized.

Cheers to All.
"From a biological point of view, human beings are the only animal that regularly ingests another animals milk after weaning...kind of freaky""

Yes. Its almost parasitic especially if milk really is pus.
There was something symbolic about Honey & Milk (The Cow and the Bee) as well as IBM (Eye Bee Em).
i stay away from milk, my body doesn't like it
Actually Ayurvedia mentions I believe 4 or 3 different types of people I'm personally only familiar with Pita. Each of these individuals has a different kind of diet and things they should avoid to keep their temperament balanced. There is no doubt that Milk has been used deeply in esoteric knowledge with the association of the mother who suckles the child with milk. I believe the greatest issue with dairy now is the condition of the animal. Seeing that anything a nursing mother eats effects the child in the milk, I'm most sure the quality of dairy is very poor and because it is a milk our bodies may assimilate faster, thus affecting Us more rapidly. Before I became a vegetarian I loved cheese, then I switched to vegi cheese, which was no better since it was all sorts of stuff that was just used to make it taste like cheese mainly cultures. Eventually once I really got into the diet/livet I had to avoid it altogether as it started to react to some of the metallic elements in my body alchemy causing inflation of the lungs. That makes since for me also as you want your body fluids to be clear, astringed, charged, and effective not mirky and greasy.
Doesn't Dr. Blair refer to milk as "pus"?
Wow! It does make sense.
"There is no doubt that Milk has been used deeply in esoteric knowledge with the association of the mother who suckles the child with milk."

So it's symbolic? Does it have to do with the hidden goddess-worship in the patriarchal religions?
In my opinion, we consume what they filter for us. So many glasses of water per day. Drink milk for Calcium and Vitamin D, blablabla. Few take the time to research that you could obtain different minerals and vitamins from different sources such as protein from almonds.

Oh how difficult it is to say no to mean coming from a Bulgarian background. My mom even yelled at me a few days back for refusing her cooking [= (in actuality i only refused the meat)



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