I know that Sevan did a lecture on the meaning and significance on the letters MA.  Could anyone tell me which one deals with that topic?  Thanks.  Lately it seems to pop up a lot in my immediate environs so I wondered if there is a synchronistic signal involved here that I am not getting?

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Read this so you can begin to innerstand more about MA http://www.resistance2010.com/profiles/blogs/the-meaning-of-the-let...

Ma, a lot of children say MA as their first word; Ma-Ma, MAtter, MAtrix, Ma-tricks, Ma-terial, Ma-theMAtics...

lots of ma huh?

Also, we have these, the Free MAsons, the suns/sons of Ma? 

And what about the suns/sons of PA? wlel, i don't know, maybe they are the Pasons, Parsons, PAstors and so on? :P

this is what MA means to me: Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, A word for, the goddess;

what does it mean to you? 



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