Helo. I have a question - How to use the mayan time calander to know your element to vibrate to at this time BEFORE 21.12.12....How to find out the 20 sound vibrations the Mayans say is the daily calander vibrations, each of us has our vibration of one of the 20. I want to know mine. I keep searching...cant find not on google, no where.....not you tube....geometric pattern tracing sound vibrations of the mayans, yes but this, I really really really want to know!!! Anyone? Anyone got the know on these sound vibrations. I want to give to the earth my correct sound. Thnakyou

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After reading your post, I did a little yahoo search and found this link


I think they are talking about what you want to know about sound vibrations. I'll see what else I can come up with.

Sherri Myers

Helo Sheri

Thankyou so much for the link.....what a wonderful page.....and a very interesting site.

So it comes down to knowing your birth date and only one person being able to give you the sounds.  To me I think it would be great if there were a way where one could access the information to be able to work out what the sounds are for your self.  Without having to pay for a person to do it....and being on a long waiting list for it to be done.

As with the chinese years......there must be a way of working out sounds and the codes of our births.  The Mayans have this knowledge......if I keep digging, I will find a way somehow to share this....so all can learn how to create their individual sound vibration that resonates in higher dimension.  If one can do it.....so can the many.

Thanks Sherri......same name as me.....I wonder if we are related?!!

Janet Myers



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