Hi everyone out there! I'm new to this site and I wanted to know if ANY one out there may be in the state of AZ... I know this state is pretty sparse in terms of open-minded people who don't blindly subscribe to the dogma spewed out of the spin-cycle-machinery of "main-stream" society, so I'm looking to connect with those few who may reside here. I've recently got in touch with a small scale gardening project in my sister's neighborhood, and I'm highly interested in gaining some insights (if any are available) on self-sustainable living (resource management on the communal level - energy, food/water, tech etc). I hope to hear from someone soon.


Life-long seeker of truth & wisdom

(623) 521-1157
"Absorb that which is useful; discard that which is not useful; add to it what is uniquely yours" 
- Li Jun Fan (a.k.a. Bruce Lee)

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