Hello resistance,


Much love and wholeness to all of ya


I have some questions related to the keys of enoch.


I came across this book and now reading it it interferes with my current knowledge, most of it gained at the resistance.


Im not putting good or bad to the discussion, but i believe adebt knowledge of the resistancence's memebrs can help me with some questions. 


Is the brotherhood of light the same as the galactic federation? Or how does these 2 come together? As i understand, both talk about the same regions like orion, so i figured there must be a connection?


Enoch also taks about the meaning of vibrations.

As the Code to the matrix expained that the vibration of Gold is Or, and also explaines the possible power behind words like Organisation, cOrporation and creatOr. The Keys to Enoch talk explaines "Or" as "light" wich seems to be good and positive occuring to Enoch. Then again i feel the Or as to gold, that the words explained leads to missery. Nice duality.. has anyone a opinion about this?


>> I feel, that "Or" itself is powerful vibration wich is active in a "neutral" form... Does anyone has a opinion about this?


What can anyone tell me about I AM. In comparison to the code of the matrix, the Keys to Enoch talk about higher dimensions of thought-form creativity and operate as one within the eternal mind of the I AM.

I also know that I AM is/was a Masonic organisation wich is part of "the brotherbood" wich is responsible for our spiritual degeneration over at least the past 5 millenia.


Are these 2 brotherhoods the same? What is it with this duality in the brotherhoods?


Any aditional information about the keys of Enoch and the knowledge from our adebts would be very welcome!





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im pretty sure enoch is enki,i see the whole thing at least in one way that this is alote of information to KEEP HUMANS BIZY.not that i think there is nothing to it but well who knows and im sure he does.search inside and out is all i can say.happy searching



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