Hey yall.

I know most of yall are starting the internal cleanse.

I couldn't afford (or just didnt save up enough money) for the kit but I still want to be a part of the movement. So I was thinking about starting my own cleanse.

Any suggestions on a daily or weekly routine/cleanse that I can do to keep me as close in track with the rest of you all?

I know about the 5 day liquid only fast.

Should I start with that?

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Hi Gina,  Although you may want to participate in the virtual collective cleanse on the same start date with your own daily or weekly routine,  I want to offer a suggestion to you. Feel free to listen in starting 3/11/2013 @ 9:00am CST in the meantime save up for the Complete Internal Cleansing Kit, im only on day 3 of the pre-cleanse and I can tell already that this was a great investment.

We all have different needs, of course, so if you receive more comments offering details on a routine that works best for you, then by all means start now. If not,  I would say to follow along anyway and start your cleanse once you receive the kit or have detailed information on a cleanse that taylors to your specific needs. You will have access to the archived shows as your guide http://new.livestream.com/astralquest/ascension.

Although a lot of information delivered through the livestream platform will be related specifically to the Best Herbs products, you will still be able to use some info and apply it to other forms of cleansing.


Gina there are natural ways to cleanse also you can work on until you purchase the kit.

Sourced from gaiam

10 Ways to Detoxify Your Body

BY: Deborahann Smith
DATE: 12/30/2011

Thank you.

I like the once a week water fast and the 5-7 liquid fast. I think I might start off with that

I mos def think that listening and following along will be beneficial. 

Thank you for the suggestion! 

 I'm starting with no white sugar, stay away from flour, and starches like pasta, no junk TV. and I have some Detox packets from Dr. Schulze's also.  Its okay many of us are not able to buy the products. Lets not be fooled there are meany ways to do this. We chose to join anyhow, any way we can by using whatever I already have. Here is a link that might help from your sister here at the sight her name is Roxanne, enjoy the music  :) , http://www.resistance2010.com/profile/RAZZ

Thank you. There are so many different detox areas that Im not sure which one to start with first. 

you can use this recipe  ,    psylium husks, magnesium oxide ,milk  thistle     you can find this at the local  drug emporium if you have one .   google information on or you  tube  thats what im uysing

Do you just mix it all up?



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