Inner Guide Meditation. This book came into my path recently and may be useful to some of you as well. I feel the timing is right as the last radio show went over tarot and astrology. The book covers:

  • Testing inner guides to distinguish a true guide and a false ego guide.
  • Finding your first inner guide.
  • Working with and integrating the archetypal tarot/astrology energies with your guide to transform your reality and awaken Kundalini


Some clips:


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Sonya, your welcome. I agree, we need to remember our own inner power. I hope you find the book useful, the first 74 pages is all you need to get started with the work and the Q&A has some theosophy twaddle that wasn't useful for me. I don't know if its copyrighted.


My friend recommends this book to all his students learning healing or becoming shaman. He has a short article on guides here



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