Thanks for the comment. I was wondering about this, as some past scientists like Tesla seemed to have accessed this "universal MIND", and another who also tapped into this is Walter Russel. There is also Viktor Schauberger who said he simply let his consciousness drift on water, and then when he returned to his body, he instantly knew how water worked. But how to achieve this, i have no clue.
Like i am ready to work for it, but i doubt i could learn about the CAUSE of nature in this universe of endless EFFECTS. I want to separate effects from cause. But how?
It can be done.
I regularly "download" information from those around me. I was swordfighting with some friends and one of them brought a guest who was very good. I started "channeling" that guest and immediately improved my techniques. When he left, I retained these skills. I cannot say whether I got them directly from him or entered a SUPER learning state. Does not matter, the skills were attained either way.
Energy follows thought and will.
Desire to channel the source you wish to connect to. See that connection occur, feel that connection occur, allow the information to flow, be amazed and accept the new knowledge.
We generally make things harder than they need to be. Rise above and escape your self imposed limitations or learnings.
You are limited by yourself and your beliefs, you are also empowered by yourself and your beliefs.
A word of caution: be specific if you are asking for knowledge, or you may be flooded with more than you meant.
Ask and you will receive, knock and the door is opened.
When looking for knowledge from a nebulous source like a group mind, picture it like a cloud surrounding the subjects. Envision the cloud as large as you need or can picture. I frequently view a cloud surrounding the globe to encompass everyone, if the scope of the knowledge I wish is that large.
Sometimes when I ask for knowledge, I get leads to more information and as I follow those links, the information assimilates into my current structure and is easy to understand or absorb complex subjects.
Remember, if your beliefs prevent you form connecting, ask to change them. Also, we often need to consciously allow these changes to our views to occur.
I personaly believe that to genetic and soul memory
the sword has been in our past as defence and force for thousands of years of course you have picked up one thousands of times even just to survive.
the elder the soul the easyer these exerience memorys will find there way to the surface, we are born in a vail of darkness so we might rise up in new uninfluenced direction, the experiences just under the suface of the vail, lift the vail and walk in your true self. an ancient soul a great collection of knowledge and bask in its light.
Though as you say we are all joined and related, all weaving through each other and rubbing gravitys and exchanging static and light, like galaxys colliding
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