I have been musing about the three number sequence and the 3D geometry implied:




Most of our brain and body is water which conducts magnetism. Hexagonal water:

was a 7 based center, much like our heart as the 3 chakras above merge with the 3 lower chakras:


Each tetrahedron has 4 vertexes. Together the two total 8. When they share 1 the total is 7.

This hourglass shape is also the link that can form sheets if connections are made:

silicate chains and sheets

I find it curious how a savior can emerge when the center, shared vertex is split apart into the divine:

I realize that people grow based on cellular division and we recognize a holographic pattern:

and nothing is static, so we have a constant dodeca icosa jitterbug going on between 5 and 6:

So as biocrystals we actually "pump" light into our center via the 60 degree light cone!

We pump via a 5 step process of turns:

Via a 3 set of 5 waves per set:

Water can only hold the hexagonal crystalline form for about 15 minutes so people have to drink living water from flowing springs ( a spring is also a coil ):

and water from freshly melted ice is the best for health from water's 18 different structures.

Called Proteum water it is the most fractal:

According to Occam's Razor principle and holistic medicine, the simplest is the best:

The ordinary isotope of hydrogen, with no neutrons, is sometimes called "protium".

Because the nucleus of this isotope consists of only a single proton, it is given the descriptive but rarely used formal name protium. The high-resonance form of hydrogen is called protium, being the lightest hydrogen isotope, known for its powerful rejuvenative effects, in stark contrast to the cellular aging induced by heavy water. The levitation of water by solar-driven infrasound resonance allows separation of lighter protium water molecules from the heavier isotopes of deuterium and tritium.


Do any members have experience with this product?


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Thank you the read. With the vortex water product I understand that vortexs clear water of their impurities because it goes back to its one form structure. I believe this is special because everything is in the shape of an apple with a vortex in the middle so it takes it back to its original condition and it the apple vortex in itself can creates many things like the alphabet. Evidence for this is the apple ipod product which weights the same as an apple but shaped like a rectangle to represent a portal to new places and/or knowledge giving the user the feeling of infinite possibilities within the apple.



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