Dear family,

I just started my diet and I would like to get my head around internal cleansing, food, herbs. I could not find much here except for the packaged products which are all for purchase, but there are no references to the knowledge behind? I actually would like to get on top of that so that I can combine stuff like ginger etc matching my individual needs.

Does anyone can help with references, books on that subject (i.e. good Aryuvedic ones) so that I can start studying that and integrate this in my individual diet?

Wholeness & Light


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I tried three times to post a lengthy, descriptive response to your questions without success.  Let me just list the books for you before my post disappears again...

Heal Thyself by Queen Afua

Get Healthy Now by Gary Knull, M.D.

Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition by Paul Pitchford.


I'm sure you'll find a wealth of information useful to you in all three.




Thanks so much Tanycha! Considering all the efforts you already put into this (its a shame that it got lost..)...These books shall def be by starting point :)

Glad I can help in some way, Sucram.




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