Blessings all <3
Would someone be able to help me with an experience we had last night.
I'm very new in my awakening and still live a very 3d life.
However this experience has made me want to be a lot more proactive in my development.
My kids and I were lying down snuggled in bed with the tv going last night.
I chose to put on the queens jubilee, (I am slightly aware that there is a lot more to know in regards to the royals but am yet to learn )
Mostly it was to watch the beautiful horses ( although I do not agree with animals being trained like this ) and because I try my best to keep my kids safe with what they're watching.
So I didn't think the jubilee presentation would be that bad for them to watch.
Oh boy was I wrong.
2 minutes after it started my youngest daughter ( 3 years old ) started asking me 'mummy can you hear that?' She was listening intently to something I couldn't see or hear ( I have some experience in seeing and hearing spirits and the like ) then became visually terrified as I assumed it got closer.
She said she could hear stomping coming.
By this time she was hiding under the blankets, curled up into my side and peeking over the top of the covers at something. I asked 'is it in our house baby' she nodded and stared at whatever it was.
I did what I always do, a prayer, called on my angels, and used light energy to clear our home.
It seemed to work ( I will add here this is when I believe the advertisments started )
She sat up said it was gone and I asked her what it looked like.
'it had a green face, and green arms with purple legs and it was a monster'
Then just as fast as I saw her relax, she was once again riddled with fear and back under the blankets.
It had returned.
I tried again to pray but found myself now becoming fearful. My prayers were broken with a vibe that kept cutting through and making me feel weak.
I chose not to tap into the vibe to see what it was as it was obviously not good.
I found it a struggle to put up my normal form of protection ( a huge triangle of light over our home that spins ) so I called out to the big guy ( this is my personal belief that God is a male father figure to me )
'please tell me what to do, what is this thing that has baby so scared?'
The reply in my mind..
' Turn the t.v over, the queen is a major part of reptillians and the illuminati, what your daughter is seeing is the spiritual form of a subliminal message '
I instantly changed the channel and on the second my girl sat up smiled and said "the monsters gone mummy'
Can someone please help me innerstand this experience. I know very little about reptiliians/illuminati and I do find the information really daunting. It's so complex and I've never known where to start.
It's 11.11 am here.
Thank you all kindly for any help and just your presence in the world.
peace x
I wrote this big thing out, and realised it was far too much my ego :), so i've cut it to keep it concise.
My heart:
The message said it all, and was best to hear for you at that moment. - Monsters aren't always what the T.V (Programs) say they look like. Nor are the heroes.
Listen to your children, keep them as free as you can, so their message is the most clear. Help them find themselves, not the grades someone else has set, not the material gains the adverts said were great, but themselves - no other standard :D
*To give you something positive, you were given a gift, something is looking out for you! 1111 - womb/matrix. Your child is gifted and you are brave for stepping outside of your beliefs (be-lies) and comfort zone! If you can remain in neutral gear, not jumping to any conclusions (or old programs saying this can't be true!), reading everything with an open mind, you'll be on the way to what you seek. Just reading doesn't hurt anything, and can be the hardest first step to understanding.
Now my ego/adult for a spell:
Being the biggest land owner - The queen controls the fictional belief we have to pay to live on the land we were born on, from the fictional debt that is created by the banks to keep people in servitude, to the few children who hold the leash of collected power, Such as the bank of england (who is either owned by the queen, or more likely she has heavy shares in).
I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of calling them monsters, or apply any kind of title to them - I would call them what they are, children who are greedy, selfish and horde all the toys, sweets for themselves. She has control to keep reincarnating into her bloodline, thus sustaining her place at the head of these children who have bullied their way to power.
Hopefully others will add what they wish to this. - I hope it helps you. You can do some of the research on what I have said as most of the information is out there on the lead figureheads. Though I realise I probably give them too much credit, they are not all powerful, or even very fearfully evil by any means. They merely represent (take credit for it), and those that do the real work out of sight.
Blessings brother for your help and guidance.
Thank you, so much, I will continue to try and keep my children as free as I can. It's a form of parenting that none around me innerstand, and it has taken me a long time to get to a place where I listen, but I still have a long way to go. Even less t.v / games / bad foods.
Your thoughts shared are a true validation for me that I am doing the right thing, on the right path. I must say, it is nice to read them. I have no family/friends who parent spiritually as well as. so it means alot. If I do try and talk with them it never goes far and can leave me feeling frustrated and questioning my own self.
It has been a little bumpy at times torn between, the 'worlds' view for my children and my own hearts.
Now, I go with my heart.
Yes, reading, I will do more of.
It has been around 3 months since my last read, but I must say it overturned my universe lol.
Dolores cannons, keepers of the garden. The most influential book I have read this lifetime.
If you or anyone can recommend a book which would guide me in the right direction after Keepers of the garden it would be very appreciated, but I will also make my way through the code of the matrix, which has been a long time coming I feel.
If I'm honest, the latter part of your reply had me more than annoyed.
It is quite plainly disgusting and I can not wait for the day their rein ends. I could say so much more, but that, I'm sure, is my ego and I don't want to unleash that bad boy as it is far less refined than I'd like it to be lol.
I will research further. I'm not at all sure how this has worked but up until this experience with my daughter I was content in the land of rainbows and fairies, playing with light orbs and teaching my babes about love, nature, mother earth, and kindness. I feel as if someone has lit a fire under me and I must and will educate myself to keep my children protected from all I can while still guiding them in the light ways. Thus passing it on to those their lives will touch.
I can't express enough thanks friend, for your words of wisdom, help and guidance.
Thank you for shining your light.
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