as well as being able to go into a automatic trance-like state when writing lyrics (as i'm a musician), i also have this ever-growing sense of great power/energy in my hands. Has anyone else experienced these things? and if so what is it?..i wish to learn as much as i can about the best ways of channeling this energy and putting it to the best use i can....look forward to hearing from any one that can help me

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I answered this post directly with a PM to Tekneek so all should know that We are here to help you while making transition. For those who may come later with this same experience it is of value to know that the human Being emis various powers from the hands. As seen in the video section DJ Dynamo Jack, sets things on fire with his right hand chi force while the left hand is used more for healing/mind reading by touch and various other things of a spiritual nature. I would advise everyone to start exploring the far reaches and capabilities of the body. In essence if you put a price on it, it is a billion dollar piece of equipment, leased to your soul. Because both are inner connected when you innerstand what the body is capable of the spirit starts to make the necessary configuration of bringing that "power" about, especially since many are on the cusp of activation and do not know it. Don't be fooled to believe you must go through years of excessive training in order to unlock these abilities. As we get closer and closer to that great moment of complete metamorphosis you will become more and more familiar with who you really are, not what society has made Us pretend to be.
thank you for your response...have been playing with chi balls and definately becoming so much more aware of our full potentional...can you teach me any others methods of focusing this energy and expanding it?
i havent but will def give it a go...appreciate that, thank you



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