Hi, My name is Edward but you all can call me Moe. I'm new to this forum and I love every part of it. Now let me get to the point. Since I've been listening to Mr. Bomar everything I've felt in the past has been verified. I notice lately the more I try to focus and study on anything I seem to veer off to something totally unrelated. The more I plan and try to stay on task the more distractions seem to come up. I have tons of info I want to put in words but I cant put it on paper. Does anyone have any idea why this is.

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What do you want to do? You can have the world in your dreams or mind, but unless you have a motivation, or want, desire, reason, you won't be able to put anything together.  Then you have to find direction and method etc. - This goes for any knowledge or direction in life, you can only burn so long on another's reason, after that you find your own or none at all. Hopefully that is to give to someone else, as that will always exist, the giving of energy, or focus in some form.



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