Join us for the premier of our wonderful new show where we analyze up to the second information valuable to your expansion and growth into the Innerverse.
Show Time: Sunday October 2, 2011 11:00 A.M. CST 1hr 30 Min
Call in number to speak with the Host:
1 (347) 996-5688
DIRECTIONS - Press play on the widget below during showtime or go directly to the link above. Chat room will be available.
Topics Discussed:
The 2012 Elections and Ron Paul
The Clinton - Bush - Obama - Paul Hoax
Oprah Winfrey or 1 Frey
Upcoming shows about Traveling Abroad
Greece on Barter System - Costa Rica Produce - Amazons/Bolivia/Brasil Troubles
The Planetary Energy Affairs - The Artificial Grid - Earth's Grid and Our Grid
Correcting your balance, getting monkeys off the back. How entities unbalanced our auric spin.
Assisting Earth in correcting its balance from 365 to 360. The ultimate cycle of energy building.
1. Drawing energy from the Earth
2. Healing a Being.
3. Allowing them to Shine
4. Sending the "credit" back to Earth as a spill off valve in order to build energy.
* Warnings against the Witch and Warlock way of keeping the energy and credit.
W = Horns M = Mountains, which do you prefer?
The Atlantian Agenda Fate and Destiny - Lemurian use of Organic Power Versus Atlantian use of Technology - AN = from the Sky
Other Magnets = Light as a Magnet for insects and many other Beings.
The Shri-Tree Yantra connection and the Anti Euclidean Geometry
The Reflection versus the Emanation
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