It's utterly amazing, true knowledge once received begins to double, triple, quadruple, and then go Quantum. I know twice as much now than I did yesterday and I'm telling.

Join Us for the show as you will clearly be put in the know. 

May 5, 2010 7:00 P.M. Central Standard Time 1HR 30 MINS

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hey good show sevan. i was layin there queitly with my eyes closed just listening then i heard you curse. i was like what!? anyway thanks again man i owe you one
Yes, I heard that to it was my first time. Lol When the clothes are white one little black dot is so noticeable. :-) I have to watch my temper when talking about RA.
there is marked continuation...clifhanger? I wasn't expecting...are we giving our energy to you as you said about giving to a band or other group of people?....I have been reading the code and only stopped last night to listen to the blog talk...Im am really being informed with your info at a rapid rate...thank you for that.....
"are we giving our energy to you as you said about giving to a band or other group of people?"

I have no use for peoples energy personally I prefer elements such as Iridium, Rhodium, etc. Crystals and Meteorites, things of that nature. I then cycle that energy and distribute what I've gained amongst those yet to learn how to generate and circulate energy. We are not vampires here (the V) We have given far more than We expect to receive, however, I see the Resistance as my family and I sometimes feel like a big brother thats always showing what has been learned in my life.
I will continue on..the energy that I am sending is going somewhere is all positive energy, maybe no value but it is being sent out anyway....



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