We will set the captives free, just like We promised.


"For its highest purest condition when it is a fixed oil, colorless, odorless, and tasteless or sweet. not really acid, nor alkaline, we shall us the Greek term Chrism, or for short, by the root letters of the noun for oil, and of the verb, to oil - Chri - in Greek."


The numbers are complete, the cycles are set, the Ascension is at hand. Let the portals to higher consciousness flow over the Universe. This time its for real.


Join Host Sevan and Co-Host Mune this Sunday for a deep revelation on the true meaning of the Christ and the secrets hidden within that connect to our mind, body, and soul force. Allowing us to accomplish all things, conscious immortality not excluded. 


Date: Sunday April 10, 2011

Time: 10:30 A.M. Mountain Time 4:00 P.M. GMT

Call In: 347-996-5688


Your Homework :-)

God Man the Word Made Flesh Carry Perry Resistance 2010

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Thank you BugFX.

Thanks for your reply, no offence at all.

So instead of organisming, I must stop just before the peak, would I need to practice recirculating the flow also? It does seem valuable when I think of it, is this what the illuminat used to drink?

Hi again Lola,  Yes, thats about right.  Stop before the peak, but its the iteration of this which successively builds greater pleasure - I mean you stop but build up again, then stop and build again and so on.. you soon realise you are completely satisfied but haven't had a standard organism!  Its really powerful stuff.  You'll walk away feeling amazing, and it pretty much stays with you.  Re: recirculating the flow.  Yes, but its difficult to start.  I'd just say you should just try to visualise the recirculation of that energy moving up your spine and into your head.  You are aiming to get the energy moving higher up towards the head (it will invigorate all the chakras along the way and once it reaches the head chakras its pretty much done its work.  You don't need to think about it going back down, any remaining energies will naturally do this anyway.  The important bit is to think of it moving towards the head.  For me, even after years, I still don't really have an absolutely clear strong feeling of it moving up the spine, but I just visualize it and I get a sutle sensation.  But its the overall wellbeing and chakra opening which is wonderful.  Finally I am not sure if the illuminat used to drink, perhaps Sevan or Satori might know.  Maybe you can ask them. Hope that provides some help.  I wish you all the best on this amazing journey we're all in. 
thanks for sharing
Yes, that is absolutely correct.  I forgot to mention this.  Apologies.

Where does chism oil come from?

In the Earth hydrocarbon or oil comes from microbes in the deep hot biosphere.

Many people today get oil from algae, algae is a collective of single cell organisms.

So in a similar manner oil comes from single cell organisms in our bodies.

The smallest living organism in the body is a somatid. Soma is the nectar of the gods.

Gaston Naessens a french microbiologist believes that the electrically charged somatid is the original spark of life, the point in which energy condenses into matter. What Naessens discovered was that somatids were everywhere, in the sap of plants, in the blood of animals, and even in lifeless organic matter like ashes. When he cultured the somatid life cycle, he discovered that somatids are resistant to acids and bases as well as heat and that they cannot be cut with a diamond. Cell division cannot take place without the somatid. Somatid, according to Naessens' theory, releases the growth hormone trephone, which enables cells to divide and multiply.

You can read how the disruption of the natural 3 stage somatid cycle leads to disease here:

The Somatid Cycle of Life


Interesting reading and food for thought!




and into which is secreted, from the blood, a small amount of oil, at the same time that the blood throws out refuse into the bladder.

This reminds me of the Urine Theraphy post.

Could it be that most of the oil goes out with the urine?

"and into which is secreted, from the blood, a small amount of oil, at the same time that the blood throws out refuse into the bladder.

This reminds me of the Urine Theraphy post.

Could it be that most of the oil goes out with the urine?"


So have an internal non sperm orgasm, then later drink the urine...

I am brand new to the resistance and am very interested in listening to this show. Can anyone point me in the direction of a link or? I seems the show is now probably over and am hopeing it will be posted somewhere.




Hi Love, Sunday the 10th is tomorrow so you haven't missed anything yet other than the wait for this show ;)

Thanks John!

I love this place!! YES!!! Just reading the urine therapy thread... I found my home:) I've been doing UT for 10 years now and felt as though I was the only crazy one... I've tried to get my entire family on board but they just put me in the loony category... Great to find a place of like and open minds!!!

also, how do I listen to the radio show? and I am PST so it would mean 9:30 pst? And if I can't listen then, will it be recorded and uploaded to Youtube or?

Thanks for the help... I'm sure I'll get up to speed fast but I'm brand spankin' new here. LOVIN' IT!!!

ALSO, is there a link to download the actual Book The Code? It's hard to read on the pop up e-book for me.


You can go here Love in one hour or anytime after to hear the show as it will be live then saved in the archives for future listeners.



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