I will post all of Dr. Blair's recent recordings here as this level of knowledge is the most rare.

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Wow this is great, this answered most questions I was going to ask you Sevan. Thank you for this!
The icing on the cake. In the archives of this site you will find solid belief, a true testament of how a few became many and many became a world of actuality.
Part 2
Dr. Blair is giving a lecture in Detroit in January. If anybody is in the Detroit area and wants the info, drop me a line & I'll forward to you. I can't wait!

Excellent post!,

I love Dr Blair and have listened to his teachings for years. He is awsome!

Thanks for the MP3's

thanx seven this is great!!!

I really enjoy listening to Blair. He has tremendous passion that's for sure. I've recommended him to get interviewed by the brothers Palmgren at www.redicecreations.com. Regarding the controversial topic of melanin it can be looked into here:




If melanin is dark green and as Dr. Blair says we are chlorophyl, not physical but souls in a physical body, light and photosynthesis as an energy foundation to our being makes more sense. Internal light generation via sonoluminescence also makes sense when we see ourselves as biocrystals, the diamond light body existing as aqueous silicon in all our cells, so we are not just hydrocarbon - carbon is tetrahedral in shape, silicon is a double, base to base tetrahedron shape.

Cellular ATP and mitochondria production are crucial to being an energetic living being.


Regardless of race, everyone has red blood. Even the copper based, higher oxygen carrying 'blue bloods'.


Indiginous people are the target of some grafted entites foreign to this planet, that's for sure. Whether the aborigine is Australian, mesoamerican, native american, eskimo or any of the many people strongly connected to living on the land it is clear they are certainly having difficulty. It seems that removing memory connection to this planet is an ongoing effort.

I experienced his magic this past weekend at a seminar.  BRILLIANT, indeed.  Such INNERGY.  It was truly IN-lightening.

Much thanks for this post to a great and enlightened soul and a grand entity Dr. Mona Harrision, a great friend, her family will be further healed as many more  hear this post. thank you  Dr. Delbert Blair, Sevan and resistance family.

Thanks for this post, Sevan. It is my first encounter with the good doctor and I am already hooked. i am getting the biggest kick out of how similar you great gentleman sound when delivering knowledge. i can't keep the smile off my face :)

I began attending Dr. Blair's classes and lectures back in the late 70's. He has some great information. I am glad I live in the Chicago area where i can go hear him often.

Enjoyed listening to these......I like this Good Doctor......Thanks for the Post Sevan.



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