I have recently switched over to drinking distilled water upon the recommendation of a friend.  I have read the general arguments for/against drinking distilled water, but am looking for additional opinions on the matter.

Does anyone have a strong opinion on this and/or any good information to share?

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Quality Vibes to you too.  I would be happy to help in any way I can.  Come to think of it, awhile back a bit together a few videos on my Reddit page that I totally forgot about... http://www.reddit.com/r/waterfasting  There will be some great stuff there to get you started that will do a better job than me fumbling through it and making this a 20 page pdf...  I also did an AMA on reddit about my fast - here's that link   http://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/rbd7k/ive_done_a_40day_wat...   That should get into some specifics about water and some interesting stuff too.  

Simply put, as you know, most things are veiled.  It's said, "if you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed, if you do - your misinformed"  I was a bit curious when I see info that says you can only drink your urine 1 maybe 2 times and the 3rd time it becomes too toxic to drink.  Being an alchemist I had to test it for myself.  I cycled my urine approximately 13 times over a two day urine only fast and didn't die- well maybe i did : )  and even my girlfriend said she noticed a glow about me, which I could feel inside.  

Once you get over the misinfo and the idea of it being disgusting or weird, it is not only not 'that bad' but I've noticed I prefer the taste to most types of water. 

I don't 'purify' my urine before I drink it, bathe in it because it is purified when it comes out of you.  ANW covers this in depth, and his website http://aquariusthewaterbearer.com/ is a great resource for books and such. In fact, I have some that is about 2 months old that is great for bath/skin care and topical use. 

As far as pee containing chi, I can only speak from personal experience and say that it was 'enlightening' to drink it in many ways.  Obviously, when you get into 'Eastern' medicine - you'll see it is used, and does contain 'life-force'

Oh, and Count Zero - he was just a poster from above in this topic..  

When you get into the rebuilding phase, I'm sure I can provide you some great resources.  Are you familiar with food signatures?  I can also get into the geometry of food, essential (ascent-ial) oils and a bunch of other ideas about nutrition.  

Cheers - Wholeness and all that quality stuff


Also, if your interested I wrote a specific post about Cassiopeia and Urine sync's I had.  Feel free to check it out http://zenalchemist.wordpress.com/  -and there some other inane and outlandishramblings about etymology, alchemy and the such on there too.  




I spent the afternoon wondering through your writings on fasting and other exciting adventures.

Thank you for sharing your experiences and how tos.

i have a problem with blood sugar and fasting, i have fasted, but not for some time am sure it would benefit me. Do you have any suggestions as to how to balance from your experience with blood sugar and fasting? thank you

Balance and wholeness


Since I don't think I've ever had major blood sugar problems - (I never go to doctors) although my prior diet and some of my ailments and reflex points in my body may have pointed to a slight sugar dilemma, my best suggestion would be to start with the diet as a whole.  

How bad is your blood/sugar imbalance?  What does your diet consist of now?  

The most important thing to know about sugar is that depending on the type of sugar - processed / fructose / glucose etc... you are putting an entirely different beast into your body.  The basic idea is that when sugar comes from a whole food - living plant - you are receiving a larger molecular sized sugar which breaks down slower and is metabolized by the blood in the 'healthiest' fashion - plus you have all the benefits of the complete nutritional spectrum of enzymes from the living fruit which is vital to the breakdown and assimilation into the body. 

I almost definitely would suggest a fresh juice / veggie fast after a proper psyllium and bentonite clay colon cleanse.  Without cleansing your 'river or life/river of death' the absorption of anything in the body is hindered and you are starting off from quicksand.

There are a number of specific things that I'd recommend if I knew of your starting point. If you let me know about your diet/ exercise / lbs / motivation etc... I could better help you steer yourself.  

Hope you enjoyed meandering through the writings and such.  Let me know about your situation and I'd be more than happy to help.

Quality Vibes


I think I can shed a little light on this topic. I have worked for an alkaline water company for three years now, so I can tell you a bit of what I have learned. Firstly we should innerstand that our body functions best at the ph of 7.3, our body does all it can to acheive this ph at all times. However the things we eat and drink through the course of the day tend to make us more on the acidic side usually,unless you are a raw vegan. A typical average diet includes coffee, tea, soda, meats, processed foods, etc...all of these things are acidifiying for the body and fall below the 7 ph our body wants.

Distilled water falls into the category of acidic as well, as does reverse osmosis water. Our bodies require minerals in our water to help process our food properly, everytime we eat. If not enough minerals are present to do so the body will leach these minerals from your bones and teeth to accomplish this. This is why people shrink as they age and develop osteoprosis. Alkaline water ranges anywhere from 8 to as high as 9.5 ph and what gives it that ph is the presence of essentail and trace mineral in the water. In addition freshly alkalized water has a very high level of anti oxidents in it which is so beneficial for you. Alkaline water resonds very well to inflamatory ailments and cancers.

You worked for an Alkaline Water company... thus there is not Innerstanding, just understanding the fractionated science that the company informed you of and you regurgitated it to the sell their product. 

Nature distills water all the time.  If we get back to actuality, without putting our hands on things and accept the offerings of this planet, we would be consuming both Spring water and Distilled water that been gifted to us through organic functions. 

To imply that people shrink as they age because of leeching of minerals is not looking at the whole picture.

The minerals are surely important - but that has nothing to do with consuming Alkaline water as Alkaline Water isn't even Water, but i digress, again, Andrew Norton Weber covers this in all of his talks.

I would strongly advise anyone that is considering consuming alkaline water to research it well, listen to ANW, Viktor Schauberger, Daniel Vitalis and most importantly ask yourself if you really think that nature is doing something wrong by providing us with distilled waters and spring water - and we need to fractionate that water and consume some bi-product of Water. 

Everyone here cries out against GMO's for good reason, so then why would be want essentially a GMO Water- surely the water has been modified from it's original source.  Only spring, and purifying/distilling seem so fit the script of a being wanting to alchemically re-source their body to the greatest good.



I think that distilled, natural spring and alkaline water are all good options. I mostly drink alkaline water (Kangen) because it was more cost effecient to purchse the machine instead of buying bottled water over time. I recently learned of the machine that makes distilled water but am not disappointed. I still drink distilled when its available to me. Plenty of any of these waters will do you well and it's o.k. to drink all three of them as they are convenient to you. I myself am not sick but have witnessed sickle cell anemia, diabetes, and high blood pressure disappear with alkaline water. A very close freind of mine has helped someone rid themselves of cancer with it, along with a vegitarian diet. Because Alkaline water (or not water) is missing a hydrogen atom, the water molecules are smaller and easier absorbed by the body, ultimately causing it to heal itself faster. This is the reason I would recommend Alkaline water to someone ill. Otherwise, drink all three.....live a little...lol  :-)

Greetings beloved! I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for your share. I have a friend who is very dear to me being plagued with sickle cell anemia, and I'd like to help him so very badly. I woke up early this morning and started writing more on this book I'm working on, and Spirit lead me to check this message even though I've seen this posts prior shares. I appreciate them all, but I am especially grateful for this one, as the research I had conducted had not lead me to any more answers on his condition which stifles him. I was wondering do you have any more information specifically on on the sickle cell information? I would appreciate anything you can provide loved one. Grace and Balance to you!

This is such an important subject. 

Try this. http://www.dancingwithwater.com/articles/alkaline-water-not/

People that want to BUY- BI - DUEL with a product that they have been SOLD SOULED tis your choice, but try not let the ego step in front of you and defend itself for being SOLD something and not wanting to have been wrong or misguided.

Why would you want to electrocute water?  WATER is CONSCIOUSNESS

"...Drink all three...live a little..." ... Possibly more along the lines of Die a little.  

"...Alkaline Water (or not water)".. correct... it is not water.  The molecules don't become 'smaller'  they are just missing a piece, so you are comparing apples to tin cans, or more correctly Water to Oxyhydrogen...  It is the Empirical formula for Hydrogen Peroxide-  You wouldn't drink a glass of Hydrogen Peroxide would you?  - Yes, Hydrogen Peroxide is great in extremely small quantities ADDED to water, but you don't drink it straight.  

The people that have 'healed' themselves from certain diseases with Alkaline water have OBVIOUSLY taken a hard look at their Dis-eased state, and The alkaline water IS JUST ONE of many things they have changed in their lives... diet, mental outlook etc... 

Many more people have healed themselves from Water fasts (not Oxyhdrogen) and consuming fruits and vegetable that are FULL OF DISTILLED WATER than this FAD of Marketed Misinformation claiming to be the cure all.... 

Anyone who shelled out THOUSANDS of Dollars to obtain one of these machines has BOUGHT into the TEAM... they are gonna have a hard time discrediting something they own.  

Ramesses F. - Look into Don Tolman's work.  Get his Farmacist Desk Reference and you'll find everything you need.   Also, look into Hijamah, as I have seen tremendous results on myself from when I suffered gout in my foot.   



Zen Alchemist I see that you are very passionate about the subect, Passion is all well and good. However, please try to be respectful of other people's opinions and way of life. Your statements come across with anger and forcefulness. Wholeness.

I haven't been disrespectful to anyone's opinions or ways of life. 

My statement's have no anger in them. 

Forcefulness,not really, power - maybe.  Passion, sure.

The stagnation of type face can never relay the feelings behind words.  If you are offended, that is for you to deal with.  Do you own a Kangen?  Might it be harder for you to look at a bounty of info that goes against your current value system and say, well this science and product I bought into are wrong/incomplete?  

I am in no way trying to be offensive.  The statements I make are based on disregarding opinions and incomplete/ biased science - that is all.  

As far as being respectful towards others innocently ignorant opinions - wouldn't you point out to someone that the thing they are consuming might be harmful?  If someone was about to be hit by a bus, but was unaware a bus was about to strike them, would you not try to inform them?  I am in no way disrespectful to people's way of life, but if those people were telling our brothers and sisters to consume poison, I don't think you would stand by idle either.  

My conclusion on this conversation about water may be wrong, but it is based on what I would view as a pretty whole view of water through time and space and I am only trying to convey in a short time what many years of research have led me to.  There is only information to be cataloged as beneficial or not to you.



 Ramesses F. Greetings, I know very little about the actual disease. I was told the story by a friend of a friend who had suffered with sickle cell prior to finding Kangen. She had been 3yrs without an episode at the time and I have not heard of her being ill since then. I am in no way saying that Kangen is the cure all and only choice of water for the ill. I am sure there are so many different ways to heal the body naturally, Kangen is the only way that I have personal experience with. Wholeness <3



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