I  came across a site today which shows David Icke as a Freemason.  I thought he was against the reptillians, greys, etc.... Something is wrong with this picture.

Click on the link below to see for yourself.  David Icke is the third person from the left with his masonic attire on.  

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Well... David Icke just got flushed down the toilet... When Sevan mentioned his site producer's last name was Savage.... I thought something wasn't right. Michael Savage is a big time disinfo artist whose son owns Rockstar energy drink... I wouldn't trust a Savage as far as I could throw em.

BUT... I suppose someone may be able to explain what is going on... I posted it on his forum...

did ya find the God's Gladiator book yet... it is in the forum section.... I think.
I don't remember mentioning his producer's last name was Savage, but there is no coincidence. Are you saying Savages son owns the U.K. portion of Rockstar, as the U.S. portion was brought by Coke. Amazing enough about 9 years ago I had them on the phone, the actual owners called me after I sent a rather direct email to thier then Las Vegas office about a business deal before they sold to Coke. His Mother and Father traveled all around the world looking for a cure to aids. This is when I almost launched my energy drink Life's Great, but I could not get anyone to believe me that energy drinks were going to be the new thing, I needed only 40K, if I got it I would of made no less then 50 million on the sale. But as you see that was not the Most High's plan. :-) I believe the movie Fountain would give more of an idea of what they found. Its all relative, its just discovering the relativity. Tell the other Sevan I said thanks and keep on the work on his end. :-)
My friend worked for Rockstar a few years ago and he told me that Savage's son owned RockStar... I suppose I should slow down a bit. I'm a lil tired and maybe a lil cranky... naptime... My interview last night dealt alot with Zeus/Jupiter/THor andsome Obama Backmasking vids I did... It should be up 2 moro... I will send ya the link...
tHE real question is.... How did you come across that site?
Wow, before I found this post I was researching this through these sites:




I actually sent Sevan a message on this because I wasn't sure if this information was legit. But, I wouldn't jump into conclusions on this. Research is the key.
I'm already finding data that this is a hoax and attack against David, again the lines are being drawn. Its the same thing with Alex, as soon as he shows everyone the bohemian grove, the next thing you know there saying he's a government op also. One should remain firm and innerstand photoshop seems to be in use and the lodge itself does not seem to be real as it is on a blogspot, but like I said We are digging to find who is behind this and what their purpose is.
hmm, seems odd to me. did a little bit of digging on the uk masonry site here:


which gives you a link to the hampshire site - where you find a list of lodges:


ryde lodge is listed, but there's no website linked. which doesn't really tell alot but worth keeping in mind, since the sites that are linked are all actual websites, and not something on blogspot... plus theres guestbooks and member lists and the like which the site in question doesnt have. all the ryde lodge 698 'site' has is a rocketmail contact address, a murky picture of someone with blonde hair attending an apparent initiation invite (but theres only one picture of such an event... how long has the lodge been going?) and a picture of the prime minister of england and another of his chief adversary, with '(ssh) secret members' introducing them. (which is a little ridiculous)

personally i don't think its legit, not even an 'elite operation' - even if it is true, theres still value in what icke has been saying all these years
Whether Icke is a Mason or not... Does it matter? People shouldn't be falling head over heels for ANYONE... that includes you Sevan.... Icke and his research should be looked at the same way all the New Age stuff on this site is to be looked at.... WITH SCRUTINY! Get your plate... got to the buffet... and put what you want your soul to digest on it... YOUR CHOICE!

I was big in the Ron Paul movement.... and I have concluded he is defintiely a MASON.... but I don't just ignore everything he says... I take take it with a grain of salt and keep it movin. Alex Jones is either a plant or just a big dumb idiot... He constantly steers clear of the Zionists and some of his rants are faker then Nancy Pelosi's cheekbones! But you can get some good info.

Sevan doesn't believe in Jesus.... but that doesn't mean ALL of us have to NOT believe... right? I feel he did exist and his name is most likely Yeshua... Was he in some kind of trinity... doubt it. Sure, the BABEL editors made him look like nothing more than a Mythraic regurgetation... But if you read what he says... most of it is quite nice and liberating. Especially St. Issa... I really like his words. Is the CHurch evil... you darn tootin it is. BUt I am not going to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Those are MY choices... Choices that I will not relinquish to anyone... as you should be able to make your own. If I choose to disagree... I do it POLITLEY... or try to anyway... Take for instance.... Sevan claims to go to other worlds and people claim to be stuck between walls... Is it true... I dunno... I personally have a tough time believing it... So I ignore that part and stick to things I can absorb and understand... or innerstand.... if you will. My INNERstanding is that we EACH have to make our OWN decisions... NO one is to make them for YOU... Individual responsibility is REQUIRED if you want to be free. Putting on a BEE suit and joining a HIVE mentality is NO BETTER than those in whORGANIZED reLEGION.

Icke. Jones, Sevan, ME... we may be Masons... or Luciferians.... or Angels... or Demons.... THAT doesn't matter... What matters is that YOU examine ideas and thoughts through YOUR internal BS filter.... and decide for YOURself what is right and wrong. SHould you be in the right frame of mind... WHICH YOU SHOULD BE when processing info... YOU will make the right decision for YOU... Not me.... Not Sevan.... Not Worshipful Brother Icke.... or St. Jones....

The fact is we are surrounded by lies, liars, and more lies... No matter where you go.... THERE THAY ARE! All we see is a friggen lie anyway... atoms and molecules and aprticles made up of 99.9999999% NOthing... So what is left... PERCEPTION....

So my adVICE would be to NOT take everyone's word for it. That is for fools... Trust YOUR heart... not mine.
"they will be questioned" ? "affiliations do matter" ? I wasn't aware that I was affiliating myself with anything. It seems to me that my explanation above is very similar to what Sevan mentioned about JeZeus. As far as I am concerned the JeZeus most WARship nowadays and become PREY of is Satan himself. Churches with their pikes for steeples and don't get me started on IsisLamb and the so-called Jews.

Maybe you could clarify the questioned and affiliated parts of your statements. They seem a lil threatening. Am I gonna get the boot for typin stuff like I did above?

You can send me a private message if you would like. I'm not tryin to be confrontational... just seeking clarification... I am new to this stuff.
hahaha.... you got me there.... lmao.... thanks for the clarification. This ride is a trip. Wholeness to you brother.
Just so it is clear if one is to pose that question to David Icke they would have to pose the same question to the Resistance as We are a very controversial network when it comes to breaking the molds of ignorance. However what you will find is that Principalities are what's at stake and there are many Beings much more powerful than the so called elite that have there "emissaries" for a better lack of words here and in service to mankind during this transition that has caught many by surprise. That is why Credo accompanies David as he is his spiritual protection.

The only thing I found to look into is that David speaks of living in Wight Isle in his book. This Masonic organization uses that same term. Like I said We are digging and We will find the truth. The photo itself looks highly suspect as if its a photoshop job and the "rocketmail" address is even more discrediting as again any masonic lodge should be using internal domain mail.

In the event We find out David is or was a Mason what will We so then? You know what we will do, We will continue stronger than ever and take Our wins with the loses and keep our information in tact. One thing is for sure I have seen the reptilian human hybrids myself and I don't need David Icke to tell me they exist. But such is the way with those that have had the experience and those that are just reading about it. I find many to be the latter.
Pic looks like a fake to me.



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