Here is my final installment of the super highly rated Cures to the World series. This episode explains how we are being mind controlled, and it also explains how to screw up the programming in a problem/solution format. Enjoy!
Please rate and comment if you have time.
I am very impressed, with your body of knowledge. You provide a very comprehensive analysis of the global menace. Best of luck in your personal success applying your findings and creating a tight comprehensive package to share with others.
Thank you. I share a great deal of concern regarding current worldly affairs, so I am doing everything I can to spread useful ideas that could pose as solutions to many of the root problems that we are faced with in this parched world.
Cures to the World part 1 - Fixing a broken economy with the use of industrial hemp/medicinal marijuana.
Cures to the World part 2 - Attuning one's self to the spiritual coreality via the help of psilocybin mushrooms and DMT
Cures to the World part 3 - Useful methods of detoxing the pineal gland and the rest of the human body from toxic substances such as sodium fluoride, lead, aluminum, etc. Also methods for keeping drinking water clear of toxins.
Cures to the World part 4 - Ancient sungazing/solar yoga techniques to gain energy and health and to reduce overall hunger.
Cures to the World part 5 - Methods that have been found to regulate brainwaves to be not conducive to mind control programming.
:) :) :)
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