Conecting The Subpersonalities, Texts from the Almine´s Ascencion Manual, Day 15. A Toltec Nahual Aproach to Activation and self liberation.

Connecting the Subpersonalities

Within each of us is a nurturer, child, adult (includes the sexual persona and warrior), and a sage. When these subpersonalities are connected and allowed expression, we have a happy, stable, inner family. Our inner family enables us to love and fulfill ourselves so the pain of separation abates. The resulting self-sufficiency makes us uncontrollable and unable to be manipulated by others.

The subpersonalities are the emotional components and acquiring balance between them is crucial to stop co-dependent patterns with others. If we overlook this, we could mistakenly use our personal power to manipulate others to fill the gaps that we should be filling. When the inner family is connected we are never alone so we are secure within ourselves. This means we are no longer emotionally dependent on others, so we stop reacting and start responding to people and circumstances.

It is important to keep our subpersonalities happy, whole and expressed, but many Light workers tend to overlook this. They are too busy and when time is devoted to spiritual practices, they prefer to study advanced esoteric information. But before we can become a powerful master of light, we must be present in the moment, and the only way to be fully present is by having the subpersonalities hooked up. (We aren’t going anywhere without our inner family!)

Balancing the subpersonalities is essential prior to balancing the minds. It represents the horizontal alignment that precedes the vertical alignment. In ancient Egypt, the initiate going through the side temples to reconnect the subpersonalities prior to entering the Great Pyramid reflected this.

We were deliberately disconnected from our subpersonalities by the undeveloped light as a means of control because if we become scattered and dysfunctional, we are powerless.

When the subpersonalities are expressed, we have a self-supporting system that allows us to be in the moment—the place of power. Reconnecting the subpersonalities is the quickest way to reach a state of joy. At that point we are clear of agendas and cease to need so we can freely give. This is when miracles begin to happen.

The Inner Nurturer

The nurturer is the parent of our inner child. It offers comfort and support and sets healthy boundaries for the inner child to function within. It makes sure the inner child is given time to play and express itself. When we parent ourselves, we are no longer controllable by parental figures, and this includes authoritative institutions.

The dysfunctional nurturer nurtures everybody else--forsaking the self. The child is ignored because the nurturer isn't present. It also sets itself up as a judge.

If we accept that we live in an incomprehensible universe then we stay open and flow with life. If an obstacle comes up, we flow around it. We have no expectations of the world. We are innocently experiencing life as we go along.

If we didn't have good parents, we can become them for ourselves. We can heal childhood injustices and abuse by providing our inner child a happy childhood now. We also do this by healing our timeline.

'How to' hint: Imagine yourself standing in the center of a figure eight with the future being the loop in front of you and the past being the loop behind you. As described earlier, the intersecting point is at the life force center. To access the past, visualize yourself walking the loop behind you, counterclockwise, beginning with this year and rolling time backward. Stop when you reach the year you wish to alter. Visualize yourself being the ideal parent for your inner child. Fill in as many details as possible: say loving, comforting and inspirational things; play together; watch movies together; and talk your child through difficult times. Return to the present when you wish, but continue visiting the child until you feel it is strong enough to cope. Physically do as many things as possible that were missing from your childhood.

For example, a woman had alcoholic parents and as a child she had to be the adult of the family. Consequently, she never got to play. She had always dreamed of having a tea party, so a friend bought her two beautiful porcelain dolls and this adult woman now has tea parties. It is never too late to have a great childhood!

It is also never too late to have a good parent or to become one for your physical children. Use the principle of the timeline and go back and change how you have raised your children. Fill in pleasant memories as if they happened. If the child is perceptive, he or she will notice the energy shift. For instance, if you go back and allow your child full expression rather than telling him to be quiet, you may discover that henceforth, your child has found his voice.

When the nurturer goes awry and becomes a controlling parent it becomes judgmental in words, and actions. Frequently, he or she is the critical perfectionist who comes along behind you to redo or undo what you have done, claiming, "You never do anything right."

When we are balanced, we may reach a point where we choose to do things as beautifully and perfectly as possible. Then our labor is an act to honor the Divine within. Nature takes thousands of years to perfect the beauty of a flower, so I can take a few seconds longer to make my bed beautifully, or remove dust from the dining room table, or serve my guests with crystal and china.

The Inner Child

The inner child plays and feels. He or she lives innocently and spontaneously.

This child is connected to the web of humanity around the planet. We cannot disconnect from mortality unless we go through the child. That means the inner child needs to be parented by us since even the best parenting is usually faulty since it is done conditionally: if you don't do what I say, I will punish you; this is right and that is wrong; and you must be socially acceptable or be rejected. When the inner child is nurtured and loved by us, it becomes secure and happy. At that point the earth releases us from the web of mortality, and we can become immortal masters.

The dysfunctional child's energy lines bend inward, by saying, "I need. I want. Look at me." He strives to receive attention because he feeds on the energy that focus provides.

The happy child is the joyous being who passionately relishes the moment. Have you noticed how a child may be crying one minute, and the next, a butterfly may flicker by and he chases it with great enthusiasm? That is the healthy inner child. The last minute is past; the next minute isn’t here. We only have now.

The innocence, spontaneity and unconditional love of the inner child keeps energy flowing into the life force center. This freedom of expression allows the inner child to access pure feelings, which is a non-cognitive way of accessing information.

The Inner Adult / Sexual Self / Warrior

We aren't ready to have an intimate relationship with another until we have one with ourselves. We need to know our inner adult. Many people don't know what they like. They seem to have lost touch with that part of themselves. When asked what they like, their response is about what used to be. "I used to like riding a bicycle when I was a teenager," or "the greatest thing in my childhood was camping," or "I read a lot when I was younger."

It is important to have a passionate relationship with our adult. Take yourself out on a date for a candlelight dinner, a movie, a walk in the forest, attend an outdoor concert, or go to the park and sketch or paint. Also, pamper yourself. Take an hour-long bubble bath with candles and soothing music. Get a therapeutic massage. Sit under a shade tree by a creek or fountain. Do whatever makes your heart sing. Living passionately pushes back the density. If we spend all our time doing work outside ourselves--even if it is work that may be making the world a better place--the density will eventually suffocate us.

We also need to approve of our sexual self. Many people keep their sexual personas hidden in the closet since they don't understand them. Our sexual desires and beliefs can seem odd because the blueprints formed very early in our psyche. For example, something quite innocent may have aroused a young boy, such as an adult stroking his hair. He may thereafter, associate someone touching his hair as being sexual. As an adult he may avoid touching other adults and his children on the head.

We have been deliberately disconnected from our sexuality because it contains enormous power and has the capability of elevating us into other dimensions. So we were made to feel guilty towards sexual behavior. This was done through social proprieties—rules of what is appropriate and what isn't. To distinguish between right and wrong choices regarding sexuality, consider this: the highest choice is the one that most fully reflects who we are, all-knowing, all-powerful, luminous beings of light. A further consideration is that anything that harms another simply cannot be acceptable. The function of the inner warrior is to protect our boundaries and fight anything within that would rob us of power. It guards our thoughts with merciless persistence. The warrior becomes dysfunctional when fighting circumstances in the external world, not realizing that we strengthen that which we oppose and we empower that which we focus on.

The Inner Sage

The duty of the inner sage is to use discernment to keep the other subpersonalities aligned.

For example, if the nurturer turns into a critical parent, the sage steps in and says, "It isn't your job to judge, but only to love. The child is needing you so merely love him." Perhaps, in an intimate relationship, the other person may be having a relationship with your needy inner child because your inner adult isn't hooked up. Then the sage says, "Become that child's parent so she feels safe. Then honor your adult self so you can have a wholesome relationship."

When the inner sage is hooked up, it looks for anything that is left in the deeper levels of the subconscious that still needs to be recapitulated. This includes events from other lifetimes. The sage watches the interaction of his family members to see what needs to be flushed out using the tools presented in the initiate level. For example, if the warrior won't put his weapons down, even though the nurturer declared it is time to rest, the sage will have to explain why fighting is no longer required and why exerting further energy is a waste.

The sage becomes dysfunctional when he looks for truth outside himself. The many multitudes of churches that have sprung up through the ages can attest to man's search for the divine outside of himself and through designated intermediaries.

Another dysfunction of the sage is when discernment becomes judgment. We separate out dissimilar components, in whatever form they represent themselves, for the sake of being able to apply discernment. However, if we start placing a value on those discernments, then it becomes a judgment.

It happens frequently that one sub-personality usurps the role of another. For example, if the nurturer and adult aren't present the child becomes homeless and scared. This results in the child appearing at awkward moments. It may show up bewildered or hysterical in a state of emergency, when it is appropriate for the warrior and sage to handle the situation. Another example is when a man's child may appear when his sexual self should, so he is joking when it is more appropriate to be intimate with his partner. If the child takes over the duties of the warrior, it nags and causes havoc.

The ability of the sage to use discernment doesn't come into place until the other subpersonalities are balanced. That is why there is an order to the steps of overcoming and releasing.

Gathering Truths

Each of the subpersonalities accesses truth in a unique way. The nurturer gathers it through body truth because it is in tune to the body's needs, such as when it is tired, needs cleaning, healing or to be pampered.

The child uses feelings as it's guide. The adult uses the intellect. The warrior uses instinct. The sage uses inner knowing.

Here is an example of how you can use the subpersonalities in making a decision: It is tax time and you owe the government $5,000 that you currently don’t have. You decide to hold a board meeting and call forth your subpersonalities to help you make the best decision on how to come up with the extra funds.

The nurturer is the first to speak. He knows the law of giving, so he says, "Give that you may receive more fully."

The inner child raises his hand. He knows the law of abundance that declares money as a denser manifestation of love, so he thinks he has the solution. When you call upon him, he says, "We'll play a game and pretend that money is love. I know taxman is difficult to love, but he is the collective consciousness of this country that we placed there. He is saying, 'I don’t feel very loveable, therefore, I need all the love from you that I can get.' Are you going to refuse to share your love and keep it all for yourself? Let's give taxman the extra love."

Next is the inner adult. He knows the law of sowing and reaping, so he suggests taking a second job. He admits, "It is going to be hard. I won’t see the kids as often and I’ll be tired, but it will help cover these bills that aren't getting paid."

The inner warrior stands up and declares, 'I'll give you the strength, because I am your second wind. I will support you through this tough time of working an extra job."

Then the sexual self says, "I know how to get what you want, you ask for it and while waiting, you focus on what's in front of you."

On the other side of the table, sits the sage. He knows the power behind the law of gratitude, so he suggests, "Pay your bills with gratitude. We know there is abuse of the tax money but don't focus on it. Send your money with the intent that wherever it goes, it will positively change the world. Write each check with gratitude, knowing it will increase the flow, returning to you a hundred-fold."

How to Make Decisions

To the average, unaware person, the left-brain makes nearly every decision. These decisions are based on social conditioning and logic--the "shoulds" dictated by society.

Some tend to bypass the left brain and make decisions based on their emotions. The joy we experience when we have done something that feels great is the inner child's way of confirming our choice. We need to be cautious about making decisions based on emotion because it could be the result of a dysfunctional inner child. The only time our feelings are trustworthy is when the subconscious has been cleared out and the inner child connected. Then the emotions can confirm our feelings.

Emotions have desire as their foundation. Once we move into the mastery level and start accessing God-mind, we recognize that we are all things so desire drops away, taking the emotions with it. What we are left with is the ability to access pure feelings. As a consequence, we confirm choices using different techniques.

At this point we act only if it contains lesson that will solve another mystery of our beingness. We don't search for it – we don't run from it; the future will take care of itself. All we do is live the present moment and observed the ripples in the tension of our spiderweb. If 10 possibilities present themselves, we need not act until challenged by one that offers potential growth. It isn't a selfish motive to ask where we can learn the most because if we act on the highest choice, it will benefit everyone and everything around us. The spiderweb of light extends out from our body in all directions across the universe. We use it as a map to expand and contract as we need to when we enter God Consciousness.

We determine this by how many lines intersect one point on our personal spiderweb. Indicators in our environment represent the lines. For example, if you are wondering whether to choose a red or a white car and suddenly 10 red cars in a row drive by the car lot, this is an indicator. Perhaps several unrelated people desire for you to offer private counseling sessions. You trained for it years ago, but didn't pursue it as an occupation. You have wanted a part-time job but aren't attached to any one thing. You are waiting for guidance from Spirit to show you your next step. A few days later you bump into an old friend in the grocery store who is moving to Europe for six months. He has an office that will be vacant and offers it to you to use while he is gone. These are all lines intersecting a common point.

When multiple lines intersect one point, then we choose to live the indicated point or not. If we accept it, we place that spot in the center of our spiderweb. Then we align the center of our spiderweb with the center of the universal spiderweb so everything we do is in accordance with the will of God.

When making decisions, it is helpful to know that each of the minds deal with a specific body of information. They do this through the subpersonalities (the warrior, adult and sexual persona are grouped together) gaining experiential knowledge that is then interpreted by it's respective mind.

The Three Bodies of Information

Information can be divided into the known, the unknown and the unknowable.

The Known

The left brain is responsible for accessing the known, which constitutes 1/12th of that which can be known by man without being in God-consciousness. It uses two tools for this task.

The first is not-doing. It is invaluable in helping us see the big picture because we lift ourselves above the circumstance to gain a broader perspective. It keeps us from becoming hung-up in details. Therefore, it is a tool for applying discernment while making decisions.

When not-doing becomes a constant mode of operation for the left brain, we are embarking on the first stages of disconnecting from ego and entering into God Consciousness. Just prior to entering Godconsciousness, it feels as though we are observing our life through a tunnel, from afar.

The second tool left brain uses in decision making is seeing behind the appearances. It is the ability of left brain to pierce the veil of illusion and see the essence of what is really going on. It teaches us to see symbolically, which prevents us from taking things at face value—a trap that could lead to incorrect decisions.

The subpersonality connected with left brain is the warrior, which guards left brain's thoughts diligently to ensure that it doesn't think limiting or dis-empowering thoughts that could create adverse circumstances.

The sage has instructed the warrior that thoughts create reality and its job is to ensure that the reality produced by the thoughts is of the highest possible manifestation. The adult contributes its experiences so that the logical mind can form deductions and file the information for future reference. The sexual persona uses the physical merging with another to teach the left brain to surrender its rigid grip on life so it can surrender to God-mind.

The Unknown

It consists of 11/12ths of that which can be known without entering God-mind. It is accessed by right brain, which gathers information from other realms, the future, from unseen guides and allies, by intuiting motives and feelings from other people. It is also accessed by the subconscious that gathers information from our Higher Self and the collective consciousness of humanity.

The subconscious is the receptacle for the experiences of the inner child. It accesses truth with feeling and provides vital input for making decisions. For example, we meet a new person and we immediately experience a shrinking feeling. If we have recapitulated our past and know this person isn’t reminding us of a former perpetrator, this feeling could indicate that even though strangers present themselves as friendly, they could be hostile.

The right brain is where the nurturer downloads his or her experiences. For instance, the nurturer may notice that the stomach muscles tighten every time you walk past an alley on your way to work. It reports this to right brain who feels out the situation to aid you in making a clear decision. Could it be that somebody was killed in an automobile accident at this location? Is there potential danger in the future?

When right brain, through being in an altered state, intuits this to be an unsafe place at some time in the future, it relays this information to left brain, which logically concludes that a different route to work must be found.

The Unknowable

God-mind accesses the unknowable, which includes the majority of Creation. When one enters God-mind, making decisions takes on an entirely different meaning. First of all, consideration about the future is very difficult to grasp because it isn't seen as one straight line but as many probabilities. The past doesn't exist, for one has entered eternal time by living in the moment.

The inclination is to only allow, especially during the first stages when the vastness of Creation becomes part of one's mind. It is difficult at this time to make any decisions because we cannot find the voices of our subpersonalities. However, unless we do, we cannot bring the Divine fully into the flesh.

The sage gains insights from its interpretation of the experiences of its collective family, namely, the other subpersonalities. It downloads this to Godmind, and in this way, keeps God-mind connected with humanness.

All self-identity is gone, but it is crucial to maintain self-awareness because it is our link to sanity. God-mind is fulfilling the purpose of its Highest Self, which is a being as vast as the cosmos. Its decisions are made as follows: it lives in an expanded state of awareness and merely places its intent upon its wishes. Then all of creation moves to make it so. It doesn't have to think, for it recognizes that thinking takes too much energy. It effortlessly knows.


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enlightening..thanks and unity




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