I have an idea to attune all members using Reiki over Skype. As I understand it, anyone who has mastered Reiki should be able to attune others on this site. Because our goal here is spiritual growth, it would seem an excellent idea to have a group dedicated to getting everyone attuned and able to use this healing art. This would help bring members into the resistance and also help us all reach our potential. What do you think?
please join the doodle calendar as soon as possible and I'll post a link to the calendar and we'll go from there and make a discussion out of it
So from the information we have so far all members would like to do the session on Saturday 9-10 am so we'll leave it at that. If you are still interested please sign up before next Saturday and please add your skype tag to wall as I'll be sure to add everyone before then. wbv
link to add yourself to the group
I am behind the technological times with skype, never done more than a 1 to 1 call, but I'll be there to listen more than anything :). Adding my ID now.
I felt this was important. I did a quick run through tonight to get an idea, and opened a bit to let an idea in, in the process.
The ideas was- What you give you are :).
Looking forward to this more now than ever.
David, The time zone is listed at the top I think, it changed for me based on my location within the doodle link.
Just to add to my last post, the official time will be central standard time at 9 a.m on Saturday. So please check what timezone you're in beforehand plus I will send out message out beforehand to alert you.
The 17th of March, right?
Apologies I missed this, I got my wires crossed on times. Hope it went well for those involved.
I missed it too, sadly. I just now found out that we had a time set up for this already.
I have been spending a lot of time researching Zachariah Stichin's books, such as The Lost Book of Enki. It's a great book, by the way. I recommend it for anyone that wants to read the original version of the book of Genesis from the King James Bible. I will get my skype account and camera set up so maybe I will be able to make it next time.
im on the same page missed as well, was really looking forward to it.. next time for sure!
As I Reiki Master on both disciplines -Traditional (Lineage: Hawayo Takata & Non-Traditional: Diane Stein), I strongly recommend finding a direct teacher.Lineages are important, as they keep the integrity of Reiki and in time, every Reiki Master will see the profound importance of this.
This is energy work, and anyone commited to get the real blessings of Reiki has got to work with their own energy, clearing their chakras, etc. You surely do not want to have energy work from quasi-Reikist, this is your very essence you're workig with, your prime energy!
Also, there is NO such thing as ONLINE Attunement or Initiation (despite of what U may read online - "Please pay $9.99 via Paypal to become a Reiki Master!") -NO SUCH THING, Sorry :P
Initiations/Attunements are passed directly from Master to Student by the use of prana or Chi, by the movement of energies and breath, vital for opening the Reiki Channels in the student. One can send long-distance Reiki energy, but not initiatie in such a way.
Sadly, those of us that have invested many years in this holy practice have been getting really bad PR by those who think reading a book, or watching videos online qualifies them to do this. CAREFUL, energy work is serious work! Careful who U let do this type of work in you, instead of healing...U may very well be getting their energetic waste/noise!
Try Reading: Essential Reiki by Diane Stein and Reiki and the Healing Buddha by Maureen J. Kelly
Hi Greschjkvo,
thank you for comments, I myself am trained in Reiki as well as other healing modalities I have read Diane Stein's book. The true integrity of Reiki that you speak of is long but lost, there used to be over 100 symbols and now only a handful remain, mainly because of the methods used to teach Reiki over time, so this whole keeping it in the lineage I believe is no longer valid and EVERYONE has the ability to be a healer and self heal and should be given that right again to do so.You truly do not need to get all these certifications etc.. to re-member yourself how to heal yourself and others, its built directly into our DNA for goodness sake!
As a healer yourself you should know about the power of intention if we believe we can do this online then I guess our intentions have more power over tradition. These old world ideals of lineage and getting direct attunement from person to person are self limiting. The new way of healing works on a quantum level, as you mentioned healers can distance heal and give treatments that way, so presuming a online attunement would not work just does not make any sense, sorry your perspective on things are a bit old school, no offense but they are.
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