Alien Interview by Matilda MacElroy edited by Lawrence Spencer

Rated Initiate:Fact or fiction? Or a little of both? Be sure to read the preface, which explains how the book came to be.

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I'm SO glad you are enjoying it, Ana. I couldn't stop reading once I'd started. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Much love to you,
I honestly don't remember downloading the book. It appeared on my desktop a couple of months ago. A gift from my guides - they do stuff like that.

Isis = Is Is. Reincarnation.

I will write more later, fellow Is-Be : ).
Perhaps our role isn't to escape this planet but to assist in her transformation by being our true, in-powered selves.

Believe in the things that make you strong.

Totally agree with this Angela!
Glad you enjoyed it. Nice to see it re-surface on this forum.



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