I've notice a few Adepts have poked their heads in to see what We are up to. So here is something to keep them entertained, a rare piece of work that one may only come about once a life time. This is Rated Adept which means this is a true jewel for those who know what they are looking at and well contrived rubbish for the Neophyte but he/she must at times still read, waiting for the "click" as with all things what I post that is not Our work IT is to make example and to show what many have been up to through time and how it all connects to right now, We do not worship here, it got boring.

Document downloadable below, simply click, wait, and enjoy.

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No this document was not in english and I did the best I could to translate it with the best softwares but some things could not be restored to their original meaning, but as you can see there are a lot of jewels in this document. I do have another document I'm putting together personally called "Serpent Worship around the Globe" this will show that beyond doubt most are still worshipping the Serpents and they will see what such things will bring about. In addition if We are trusting the blood soaked sacrificially inclined Mayans and other indigenous tribes to give us the prediction on the future, and then We are believing them, them there is most certainly going to be an occurrence of another nature taking place here in the near future. The masses ill belief in 2012 will successfully end this world, although they never read that the Mayans simply said they would lift the veil in 2012, by proper translation. This simply meant that the whole world would find out about the "unseen hand" thus they would not be able to be fooled any longer. The Illuminists and many others that serve their dark lords of CHAO, who I never hesitate in throwing under the bus every time, have now convinced the masses that their world is scheduled to be turned off with no data of what will happen in the future, thus many, under this notion, will send their Merkaba's automatically into the void where they have no Guide no Data, consumed in darkness and swallowed by the deep. It is good many are working silently to assist the confused when this time occurs. May the Most High have compassion on its Creation and there desire for darkness and destruction rather than good vibrations and purity of thought along with clarity of purpose. Last night I went to the movies since it was my birthday, it was such a strange occurrence I was actually on the outside of the Matrix looking in for about 5 minutes the people seemed to freeze or rather be put on slow motion. The movies where Vampires, Nazi Killers, Female Succubuses, Disney's Pedophiliac Tinker Bells, and a few other horror and destruction flicks, one would say this is because Halloween is so close but those of Us in the know, know better than to believe that and this Hollow's Eve holds something dark for the lemming practitioner of demonamia who imagines its all for fun. A push is being made on the human race and soon the demons they love to watch and adore will become their immediate inhabitants, this is the reality of it all. Stay on guard.
I prefer pop-ups myself especially if they have those little tabs that you can push and pull that do different things. :-)



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