Hi there,
this is my first discussion post and not sure how many people have tried this, but About a year ago when listening to Santo Bonacci he mentioned something about abstaining from all stimulants for the month of your birthday, this is because astrologically everything is lined up in your favour and if you stay pure you can connect if you raise the oils in your body.
I waited about 11 months for my birthday to come round and do this. October was the month (Libra), I dont drink alcohol or have caffeine and sugar, but anyway I had no stimulants (including sexual) for 5 weeks , leading up to and during the whole month of october also, I have have cut out out stimulants in the past a few times for longer but this time was different. Ive had some anxiety and other issues in the past which has bled me onto the path im on now, leading up to this birthday I was strong physically,mentally and spiritually, I was ready for anything but during and after this one month thing I was left unsettled, actually I was smashed to pieces, I had a break down 2 days before my birthday, it brought some things to my attention which I was un aware of and am working on now, I had a few other experiences when waking during the night but I dont want to elaborate on them at the moment. My girlfriend also tried this for her birthday and she had a similar experience with some emotional past problems come out again, it was a really hard time for her.
One thing me and my partner both agreed on is that it left us really unsettled during and after the month was over, we had some hard lessons but have both made some positive changes in out life which I think is taking us to the next learning level, within the relationship and in our own individual experiences also.
Still to today I am unsure weather this was an astrological occurrence or just by chance, I feel like im looking at my life through another set of eyes yet again. It could just be pure coincidence also about a third the way through the month I started some light sungazing again, maybe that contibuted.
Im just interested to see if anyone else has tried this as I cant find informations anywhere about it, I might actually email santo and find out. If i cant get any answers about this topic, I will have to wait until next year and try it again to see what happens. Its strange as our society doesnt really allow for such experiments, when you think about what most people do on the night of there birthday, party hard and have sex. Most people I know think im strange for embarking on such endevaours.
Thanks for reading my experience
Hi Anthony!
Pardon my ignorance; but what exactly is it that's suppose to happen during this month of your birthday that can't happen any other time of the year; should you opt for a healthier lifestyle?
What is it that's suppose to happen then, that you have to wait yet a whole year to experience again? I think I just repeated myself lol.... (curiousity has gotten the better part of me).
Hehe! yes curiosity got the better of me also, Im not to sure what happens, I live a very clean lifestyle already, I try and balance my body elements with food and activity according to the seasons, ayurveda style, I just heard Bonacci mention it in one of his talks. As you said, he talked about only having once a year not to waste the oils in your body and allowing them to raise. I will try and find it again, I was really curious also . For me its no big deal abstain from a few things for a short time, I dont have many stimulants in my life anyway.
Hi Sucram,
Interesting you had a rough time in October, my aunty is Libra and she said she was a little anxious over the month. How are you feeling without cigarettes coffee and smoke, that would have been tough, it feels nice getting the bas stuff out of the system, I think you get closer to who you are and not ruled by cravings and maybe the parasites the can overrun the body.
thanks again
Also what cleanse are you doing at the moment and how are you feeling with it?
Wholeness Sucram!
Thank you so much for your feedback. When you took part in the virtual cleanse did you use the colon cleanse from the wholeness store then?
Just inquiring because I am about to embark on this journey. I initially had planned on starting today, but after some soul searching and reflecting; it was brought to my attention (intuitively) that, although I feel physically prepared; psychologically, I needed to reflect on the upcoming week; at least what I can perceive.
I guess with any change we take on, there's bound to be discomforts. I find if I use 'being in labor' as a comparison (no epidural; no painkillers), it does provide some reassurance that I am capable and ready for this challenge lol.
I have been consuming coffee form the time I was legal to work lol, and have had periods in my life where I cut it out entirely i.e. when I was pregnant, and when I was not holding down a stressful job.
This is day two without coffee, and just even writing the word does bring back that good ole sensation of wanting a cup right about now; but it's just a passing thought (shoo shoo... move along .... delete lol).
Regarding your mention of where you were at 10 years ago - I can relate to this in many ways. That saying "when the student is ready, the teacher would show up!" - so golden!
I wish I knew what I know now, 6 yrs ago. I would say I had a good inclination back then, but I was a fish on land, with no idea of how to make my way back in.
And.... no ... "you can't push high voltage through a fragile wire!" Well...you 'Could' try but lol (no laughing matter!). You know I get so annoyed when people complain about not being able to Astral travel etc; and on the flip side; those that brag about their ability to astral travel and fly off to other dimensions; ironically, these types of individuals seem to think that having a healthy vessel is 'optional' - and often fail to see the connection between mind, body and soul.
Well, thanks again Sucram; and much success and wholeness to you on your continuous journey - Onward ever Upward!
Disregard my question as to if it is the same cleanse as here. I just realized that it is the actual same cleanse. May I ask: when you started the colon cleanse; on the day that you are to find your number for the digestive stimulator, is that considered day one of the pre- cleanse?
"you cant push high voltage through a fragile wire" thats fantastic! its so true.
I commend anyone who is cleansing and making holistic lifestyle choices, it can be tough, and sometimes you slip but you will get back on track every time. For me after my first colon cleanse I was a bit of a loose cannon, very on edge, it stirred up a lot of very old bad traits. Second cleanse sorted me out. My liver flush was probably the worst and I was an emotional wreck.
I get attacked by a lot of people because I have made some drastic lifestyle choices these last few years, the way I eat and dont abuse my body anymore, people tend to feel challenged being around me and take the duty of telling me there is no proof that doing what im doing makes you healthier and im wasting my time, well until they take their life experience out of the hands of doctors, scientist and media and try a clean lifestyle for themselves, they will never know, because the difference for me is like chalk and cheese. To be totally balanced and have those blissful moments is true wealth.
I was told many times when I started this holistic lifestyle years ago, that I was just in a phase, I would get over it and it wouldn't last long, I agreed maybe. Its been nearly 4 years and my knowledge has developed immensely , I learnt how to balance my body elements, keep the organs cleanse, read my body, im learning what the common cold or flu really is on my own eyes, I haven't been sick in so long apart from when I cleanse, anytime someone questions me now, I tell them im never going back to my old lifestyle because I know whats waiting for me, I was a sad depressed soul and my state of being had almost diminished, I was not left with many choices and eventually woke up, I have a second chance, every day is blessing to experience everything I have even if my vehicle isn't operating as it should because of the years of abuse. Im still learning new things about my body and its never going to stop,
Does this resonates with some of you? because im finding life is very difficult when your living amongst the so called normal folk,I find it hard to sync with people around me and I get attacked a lot for trying to live by natures laws. Midlife crisis, Depression, break downs, health scares, I think they are all our wake up calls, some people dont read them that way and miss the boat, they want to go back to their normal lifes, it cant be done, I tried. This stuff is happening everyday, to people I know, I drop bombs of knowledge on these people, giving them vital knowledge, to my dismay, im put in a box.
Sorry about the rant, I sometimes get excited when I write. We are the fortunate ones to be the seekers and bearers of this knowledge and im grateful to be connected to a network like this and hope more of our brother and sister wake up.
Nicely put, I agree 100% with the friends concept, certain types of people being around you in different times of your life. I never thought about it like that until I read your post, I have kept a few close old friends that get me but cant dive in themselves but some other friends I rarely see as we are just to different. I tend to have lots of different groups of friends. I will be visualising your analogy of pearls next time I open up to someone, thanks. Yeah I think I have to stop wasting my energy on the people that dont have any interest.
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