looking for information relevent to the above title ...any esoteric links would be much apreciated,,, including stuff on H and O or ouroboros

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Venus retrogrades behind the Sun twice every 8 Earth years. The course Venus takes behind the Sun traces the shape of a cow’s horn. These two retrogrades therefore trace out a pair of horns on the celestial map. This is one of the meanings of the Vikings horned helmets and all other horned representations in antiquity.

Every 584 days Venus completes a synodic cycle. This is 1.6 Earth years. This node gets marked on the Zodiac. Five of these conjunctions occur every 8 Earth years, tracing an exact pentagram on the Zodiac. The Pentagram can be distorted, it depends on the observers latitude.

There are 30 degrees for each Zodiac House. 30 degrees = 2160 precession years, therefore one degree equals 72 precession years. There are 72 degrees between each point of any pentagram.

One Venus cycle is 37960 days, or 40 Earth years. 104 x 365 = 37960 (one and a half Zodiac degrees.)

Venus transits the Sun every 121.5 years and again in 8 years, then repeats in 121.5 years.

The conjunction of Mercury, Venus, Earth and the Sun is known as the Shekina (the famous Star of Bethlehem); Venus and Mercury become one very bright star as seen from Earth. This occurs every 480 years. 12 x 40 Venus cycles = 480. One of these conjunctions occurred in 4 BCE, it was the Biblical Star of Bethlehem!

There are 5 Venus cycles of 8 years each, every 40 years. This is one Venus cycle and its timing is more accurate than a nuclear clock. The ancients knew of this mystical 40 year period and it is for this reason that we find over fifty-two anomalous mentions of the 40 year period in the Bible as well as in Buddhist and Hindu literature (e.g. Israelites wondering 40 years in the desert, 40 days and 40 nights deluge, Jesus in the desert for 40 days, King Saul reigned for exactly 40 years, Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree for 40 days, Eli judged Israel for 40 years, Goliath taunted Israel for 40 days, even the famous quarantine period is connected to this mystery



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