5th Dimensional Human Teleporting Caught on CCTV in china has any one else actually done this Yet?

Wholeness and Balance one and all,


Well i was looking at Dr Delbert Blairs website this morning and i saw this video done this year before 21 december 2012 so this means that its allready a fith dimension

it shows a man in a hoodie save a mans life from getting outright killed by a 7.5 tonne truck.

The trucks coming to a four way crossroads with traffic lights and a man on the left is riding his bike

he didnt look as he crosses on the bike he has  gone into the path of the truck which is doing about

40 mph and he was about 5 feet away from getting killed theres a  flash a man in a hoodie comes from the right so fast he a flash of PURE WHITE  LIGHT as he

comes in he reaches just in time to hold his hand out and then he and the bike man teleport to the right of the road the truck driver stops and gets out he is looking around thinking what the **** just happened here.

check the link http://youtu.be/ErR-U-BY0jE

Question 1. Has there been anyone else on the resistance who can do teleportation and is this what we are to expect

to happen now we are Fith dimensional now.

Because i want some of that myself  i have got such a long way to go before i am near that.

Question 2. Will we begin to see people do this sort of thing in 2013  more.

Question 3. what if your not an activated human with any powers yet is it too late to catch up those that are activated.


Wholeness my fellow ascenders



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Hi techy dread, this is as fake as it gets bro. Don't waste your time.

Hi ok but how do you tell man how

it's never too late to activate, as indeed, time makes room for YOU when you use it for what it's there for!



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