Hi everyone. As yesterdays date was 1/11/10 I just thought I'd ask you guy what ye think about 1111.

Thanks. Andy

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Each code emitted has a different meaning so this is discussing 11:11. 11:11 is a digital time code emitted from the organic/computer of fourth dimension. This unit has the ability of effecting all digital,analog, and some organic receptors, including human synopsis. This is achieved by Syncing, hence the term synchronicity. Frequencies none detectible by the normal ear may bring these occurrences about, the brian itself contains thousands of nodes. 1+1+1+1=4. Here is the design. 9/11 the day the Towers fell marked the changing of the frequency. (see twin tower tuning forks). 9+1+1= 11. The work of the Architects emulating the Tower Tarot #16 the fall and bringing forth of the 16 Ray sun blah blah blah. First plane to hit the Towers was Flight #11 with exactly 11 in the crew. New York is the 11th state of the U.S. constitution. September 11th was staged 11 years before 2012. Mayan winter solstice ends at exactly 12-21-2012 11:11 a.m. UT, again more fingerprints of this same controller.The age of Aquarius, the 11th sign, the Giant. 1111 x 1111 = 1234321 the pyramid, as I talked about a 4D communication device. While many are figuring out the design We already know it but We will need more assistance to do something about it. Support the Resistance if you can, this allows us to bring about more ways of putting the masses in the know. 7
Thanks to you guys for responding to this.

All the best. Andy
Hey Andy, these are numbers Ive been seeing a lot lately, and according to one piece of work by Solara
11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter under a time-release mechanization, which when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near.
...and it's my birthday........he-he....



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