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GOD PARTICLE FOUND AND VIRGIN MARY APPEARS IN AFRICA ALL OVER EASTER - BLUEBEAM - WHEN JUST SEEING IS BELIEVINGAs we uncover the fallacy of Christianity that has been the plague of this world for who knows how long the "Unseen Hand" continues the ca… Started by Sevan Bomar in CURRENT AFFAIRSLatest Reply |
THE RESISTANCE - THE INCORRUPTIBLE STONE"From the Space Dust you came and to the Space Dust you shall return". 7It should now be with no confusion for the Seeker that the composit… Started by Sevan Bomar in KNOWLEDGE BASELatest Reply |
KNOW MORE SECRETS - THEY CAME FROM THE SEA - SEGMENT ONESEVEN SISTERS/WOMBS OF THE PLEIADES "When looking into a womb expect to see darkness."7 It should be clear that in ancient times the te… Started by Sevan Bomar in IN THE KNOWLatest Reply |
THE TRUTH ABOUT MONATOMICS, WHITE GOLD, AND ORMUS - MYTH BUSTERSREAL FOOD THOUGHT This post has been generated to clarify many misunder… Started by Sevan Bomar in IN THE KNOWLatest Reply |
THE RESISTANCE IMAGE LIBRARY - BETAHIDDEN CIPHER OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE 13 + 13 = 26 It is my pleasure to present to you The Resistance Image Library Beta. Many of you hav… Started by Sevan Bomar in LIBRARYLatest Reply |
UNIVERSALISM - SOMETHING FOR EVERYONEUniversalism A Future Forward Solution This year, 20… Started by Sevan Bomar in BULLETINS AND MISCELLANEOUSLatest Reply |
THE SPHERE - HOW FEAR CAME INTO EXISTANCE AND HOW TO REMOVE ITA WORLD IN A BUBBLE We have had an overwhelming mixed response to the latest post "How to overcome Aliens and the Physical Prison", which i… Started by Sevan Bomar in KNOWLEDGE BASELatest Reply |
ALL IN THE DRAGON FAMILY - MASTER KNOWLEDGE - AUDIO AVAILABLE"It doesn't matter to me if people think I'm telling the truth, I know I'm telling the truth and here is the proof." 7 As I learn mor… Started by Sevan Bomar in LIBRARYLatest Reply |
HOW TO OVERCOME ALIENS ARCHONS AND THE PHYSICAL PRISONHOW TO DEFEAT ALIENS - IRON SKY FOOTAGE - THE RESISTANCE - HD 1080 from Sevan on Vimeo. Someone send a fax up to the moon and tell… Started by Sevan Bomar in IN THE KNOWLatest Reply |
LARGEST ESOTERIC LIBRARY PREVIEW AND DIRECTIONS FOR ACCESS - UPDATED 10-03-2011 500+ NEW BOOKSIt is wonderful that we have come to this point to be able to provide the world such a great resource of knowledge in such a great format.… Started by Sevan Bomar in LIBRARYLatest Reply |
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